Pour the Cereal Before the Milk? Or the Milk Before the Cereal?

There is a great debate in the practice of preparing a bowl of cereal.  What do you pour first: the cereal or the milk? To many, this is a silly question, and people believe that pouring the cereal first is the only logical option.  However, there is some theory behind pouring the milk first. This credibility makes the debate a serious discussion and not a joking matter.

                      Image result for pouring milk before cerealImage result for pouring milk before cereal

Personally, I stick to the norm and pour the cereal before the milk.  This seems to be the best way to get the right ratio between cereal and milk.  By pouring the cereal first, I can pour exactly how much cereal I want to eat. Then, I can pour the appropriate amount of milk to saturate the cereal but not oversaturate it.  If I pour the milk first, then the amount of cereal I will eat depends on the amount of milk that I poured if I want to obtain the right ratio.  Since the cereal is the more substantial component of the breakfast soup, I prefer that the cereal is the independent variable and that the milk in the dependent variable.

Image result for pouring milk before cereal

For proponents of the cereal before milk mentality, think of this scenario as an analogy to mashed potatoes and gravy.  Would you scoop your potatoes and then pour the gravy on top, or would you pour the gravy and then scoop the potatoes? The latter seems like a ridiculous idea, and it can be paralleled to the belief that it is only logical to pour the cereal before the milk.

On the other hand, there are people who pour the milk before the cereal.  The typical claim for this mentality is that it prevents the cereal from getting soggy.  Milk-first people think that pouring the milk over the cereal leads to immediate sogginess, but with pouring the cereal over the milk, the cereal can float on the milk rather than being submerged in it.

Although this method might slightly delay the process of the cereal getting soggy, it has its downsides.  As the cereal cascades from the box into the bowl of milk, the milk is bound to splash everywhere, which requires unnecessary clean-up.  From the perspective of analyzing the timing effects of what gets poured first, pouring the milk first means that it will sit out longer and get warmer earlier in your cereal consumption.  Personally, I would rather keep the milk in the refrigerator until the last possible moment to ensure that I have cold milk on my cereal.

Who ever thought that such a passionate debate could come from a simple daily practice?  With cases for both sides, this could be an argument that continues for ages. While I can see both sides of the argument, I was born and raised to pour the cereal before the milk and will continue to do so each and every morning.     

29 thoughts on “Pour the Cereal Before the Milk? Or the Milk Before the Cereal?

  1. I liked the depth that you went into this debate. It served as an entertaining way of looking at a classic meme

  2. I am a strong believer that you should always pour the cereal first. There is absolutely no reason you should pour milk first. The cereal does not sit in the milk long enough after you pour it to debate over whether it is more soggy. I don’t know what those people are thinking.

    1. I do it differently every time. At least with my yogurt. This doesn’t splash so it doesn’t matter. Here it is mostly yoghurt first but this comes often down to what I grab first. Talking about cereal and milk, definitly the cereal first. I cannot really remember what I did when I ate cornflakes as a kid but milk first is odd because then the milk splashes everywhere. You can make your cornflakes float by this method. Just pour at the side of your bowl and not al over the place, because then the milk rises and the cereal will start to float more than if you pour everywhere, because the milk will touch more cereal and thus it will be more soggy. But you don’t have to. The right order is: Cereal + milk and Yoghurt + cereal (in my eyes that is the most logical)

    2. What people like me are thinking: “When your cereal is half a millimeter thick, you gotta do what you gotta do.” *makes a huge milk mess while hastily pouring my cereal, then consuming it before it immediately turns soggy in 5 seconds*

  3. I really like how you can make something so simple as pouring cereal so interesting with your writing. This blog was very nicely written and easy to read.

    1. You do you. My logic is cereal first but if its yogurt definitely the yogurt first because eh I don’t know why, it looks nicer ( I’m a cook) and it feels more naturally plus yogurt doesn’t splash…

    2. I do milk first as we’ll all the logic behind cereal first is interesting. I’m with you though Amy Milk first.

    3. I agree, putting milk before cereal is superior in my opinion, and to anyone who argues, just LET ME Eat mY CeReaL In PiEce!

    1. Nothing wrong. I do yogurt first (I almost never eat milk and cereal) but when I did it was the other way around so i guess you can do what you want.

    2. Hello. Sucker. All I want to say is FUCK YOU. YOU DON’T DESERVE THIS. You are much worse because you don’t respect others.

  4. I do yogurt before cereal but cereal before milk. The reason is that milk splashes and yogurt doesn’t. I guess it looks nicer when you put cereal after your yogurt (i am a cook). But everyone can do what they want! Often, for me it’s what I grab first that goes first. I don’t know why but that is me i guess. I poured e.g. my milk first before I realized that… haha funny me…

  5. “think of this scenario as an analogy to mashed potatoes and gravy.” When you pour gravy on to mash potatoes does the gravy sink through to the bottom?

    Terrible analogy and down right idiotic as a comparison. And the assumption that milk will splash anywhere from something as light as cereal being poured is purely uneducated, that doesn’t happen. This is the definition of biased garbage lmao.

    1. Your putting this whole situation wrong, if you put cereal before milk there is a huge chunk of your life missing.

  6. It’s quite obvious to pour the cereal before the milk, mainly because the cereal will be completely covered in milk while you eat. For all those people saying, “But the milk before cereal keeps it from getting soggy!” let me tell you that your method will in fact make your cereal under milk become very soggy, and that the cereal not touching milk would be very dry.

  7. I put my milk before cereal because I want to prevent the cereal from getting soggy. Instead of showering the cereal with milk. Isn’t it just more logical? It isn’t that big of a deal!

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