Project 4 – Design Final

For Project 4, my idea was to create a playing card suits composition. In the design iteration post for this project, I talked about creating all four suits, but after inspection, I realized that some parts of the composition were too thin for the drill in the CNC router. I had to inspect all parts of the model using a measuring tool in Fusion360  and thicken them up where needed. After this modification, the model looked a little bit different, but it is okay. After placing all the bodies in the correct position, I joined them using the combine tool, and the result is seen in the following embed. This is a positive version of the model:


After that, I had to create a mold that would later be used in the final fabrication. I created a 6″ X 6″ X 1″ box and placed it over the model’s positive version. Then, using the combine tool, I got a negative version of the model, which is represented in the following embed:

To sum up, using the visual principle of contrast (when the qualitatively different objects and events occur in the same visual field) learned from references and the knowledge of parametric sketching and geometric modelings such as extrusion and loft learned from exercises, I was able to create an interesting composition consisting of playing card suits.

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