Project 3 – Fabrication Final

For project 4, my idea was to create a “covid pear” that would wear a mask. In a process of creating this surreal composition, I encountered a problem with a mask that could be solved by modeling a mask by myself. However, at that moment I had already combined my scanned pear and the head I found on Thingiverse, and they looked really good and interesting so I decided to stop right there. To create this model, I scanned ceramic pear found at the thrift store not far from my home using MakerBot Digitizer. In addition to that, I found “a full-size human head modeled … for placing headsets on” by lehthanis on Thingiverse. Both models were processed in MeshMixer to reduce a number of polygons and so on. After that, I transferred them into Fusion 360, where I first split the head into two bodies, so I had only the face, and combined it with the pear. After that, my peer and I printed our models overnight (it took about 5-6 hours to print both models) on a MakerBot 3D printer using the white filament. The result of final fabrication can be seen in the following two pictures.



Here is a final design for this project:

Sources: Full-Size Human Head Model for resting headsets on by lehthanis licensed under the Creative Commons

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