42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. An address so fundamental to a child and to Nemo’s father in Finding Nemo. Ever wondered what was there? While on our next stop around the world we will be exploring the famous city of Sydney.

Visiting the Sydney Opera House is something I shouldn’t even have to say. Everyone has to visit it and take in the iconic view. It really doesn’t get any more Australian than that. Around this famous harbour, you will find an endless amount of restaurants and coffee shops. This is the ideal place to sip on your flat white and take in the famous view.

For those of you who don’t mind risking their lives can try surfing at the infamous Bondi Beach. Personally, there is nothing I fear more in this world than sharks so I won’t be partaking in surfing but for those of you who don’t share my fear should definitely sign up for lessons. Being able to say you surfed at Bondi Beach allows for serious bragging rights. (If you want to surf, surf! Australian’s take many precautions to prevent attacks so if this is something you want to do don’t be scared. I personally just have a HUGE fear. Of course, there have been shark sightings and attacks all over Australia as well as the US. You can always see helicopters, shark nets, and lifeguards tracking sharks to make sure swimmers are safe).

Shopping around in different countries is my favorite things to do. Because my mother grew up in this city, I was shown the best places. The Rocks Market is the place for you to stop and get handmade gifts for your family and friends. From Boomerangs to artwork to clothing you can find a gift for everyone. After your done shopping there are many places to eat and take in the famous views.
Walk down Pitt Street from the harbour and you will be on the best street in the city for shopping. For boys, there are places to buy merch to support the athletic teams. For girls, I recommend going to Billabong. This is an Australian surfing brand that, in my opinion, makes the cutest clothes. After you hit King street you will arrive at a small plaza with an entrance to the Westfield, a huge mall. It’s filled with all my favorite stores and definitely yours.

Finally, my last suggestion for something to do is for the risk takers reading this. Once you survived surfing you can experience my second greatest fear….heights. Climb to the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Yes. It sounds exactly like it is. The sides of those curves on the bridge have stairs. You can attach yourself to the railing with a cord and walk all the way to the top!

As I said in my previous blog post, there is a huge rivalry between Melbourne and Sydney. Those who live in Sydney will say they’re the best because in what other city can you walk from the beach to where you work in seconds? The heart of the city is right on the coast which allows Sydneysiders the best of both worlds, city life and beach life, as well as the most iconic monuments in Australia.