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Math 311M: Honors Concepts of Discrete Mathematics

Fall 2011

M W F 10:10-11am in 138 Henderson South

Course webpage –

Instructor: Professor Kirsten Eisenträger

Office: 422 McAllister Building

Office Phone: (814) 863-4127

Office Hours: We 11:15am-12:15pm, Th 1:45-3:00pm, and by appointment

Textbook: Numbers, Groups & Codes by J.F. Humphreys and M.Y. Prest, Second Edition, Cambridge, 2004.

The final exam for this class will be on Tuesday, December 13, from 10:10am-12pm in 104 Chambers. You are allowed to bring a calculator to the final exam.

Office Hours for the remainder of the semester: Fri, Dec. 9, 1:15-2:15pm and Mon, Dec. 12, 9:30-11:30am.

Please have a look at the practice problems for the final exam and the solutions.

Here are a copy of the syllabus and some information about the writing project for the class.

Here are some notes about convex polygons.

Here are some notes about counting and discrete probability. I have also posted the lecture notes from Friday, December 2.

Homework assignments:

Homework 1, due Friday, September 2.

Homework 2, due Friday, September 9.

Homework 3, due Friday, September 16.

Homework 4, due Friday, September 23.

Homework 5, due Thursday, September 29, 1pm.

Homework 6, due Wednesday, October 12.

Homework 7, due Friday, October 21.

Homework 8, due Friday, October 28.

Homework 9, due Thursday, November 3, 1pm.

Homework 10, due Friday, November 18.

Homework 11, due Friday, December 2.

Homework 12, due Friday, December 9.

Math 311M students: to access solutions to old homeworks, please go to the Penn State ANGEL webpage.