Writing in a Conversational Tone

When writing in a business setting you don’t want to be too formal or too laid-back with your colleagues.  You will want to write in a conversational tone, which is accepted by today’s audiences in most business conversations.  When writing in this tone, you should remember a few guidelines:

Understand the difference between texting and writing- Texting can be a fast way to communicate, but it can be sloppy.  It can hurt your personal credibility and the effectiveness of your message.

Avoid stale and pompous language- Avoid using clichés and complicated language used to impress others.

Avoid preaching and bragging- A reader can be annoyed by preaching and bragging.  If you need to remind an audience of something obvious try making it more of a secondary comment.

Be careful with intimacy- Know your audience. You don’t want to share personal information or write in a casual, unprofessional tone.  Although, if you are working with a close team, more intimacy can be appropriate and even expected.

Be careful with humor- Humor can divert attention from the intended message, especially if you do not know your audience well or you are not skilled at humor.

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