Research Areas

Click the relevant link below to view research on these topics. These “Research Area’ pages collect relevant information from my Publications and Presentations pages:

NOTE: Although I generally publish multiple items per topic, I have published some “one-off” resources on topics that include climate change (2022), lawyers in the gig economy (2019), lawyers and social media (2019), artificial intelligence (2014), global UPL [monopoly/reserved activities] rules (2014); SCOTUS “law of lawyering” cases” (2010), international tribunal and arbitration codes of conduct (2009), outsourcing (2008), NAFTA (2008), and law firm breakups (1989).

With only a few exceptions, my research has focused on global developments and their potential impact on, or implications for, U.S. legal services and lawyer regulation. I have urged stakeholder engagement, new initiatives, and regulatory reform.

Listed above are some of my areas of focus. Each of the hyperlinked pages contains presentation slides, lengthy law review articles or book chapters, and shorter articles or e-resources. If you are new to an area, the slides may be the most efficient way to gain a quick overview of the topic and my perspective.

My “publications” include: 1) “transparency” articles, designed to bring certain lawyer regulation developments into the public domain for discussion and debate; 2) “mapping” articles that examine important new developments that are not widely known; 3) commentary and “reflection” articles; 4) reform proposals; 5) teaching-related articles; and 6) “outreach” scholarship, including testimony I have submitted.

In addition to speaking at academic conferences, I have addressed the Conference of Chief Justices, the National Conference of Bar Examiners, the National Organization of Bar Counsel, the National Conference of Bar Presidents, the CCBE, the Federation of Law Societies of Canada, IBA Bar Issues Commission, IILACE, and the International Conference of Legal Regulators, as well as representational groups such as the ABA, APRL, IBA, and PBA.