Presentation Slides

Note: These presentation slides are listed in reverse chronological order.

  • To view my presentation slides on a particular topic, please go to the “Research Area” section of this website, which has separate links and consolidates on each page my relevant scholarship.  (This “” personal webpage replaced my prior PSU personal website and is still under construction.)

Laurel S. Terry, An Introduction to Cross-Border Legal Services (Miami, Oct. 30, 2022), which was part of an IBA Seminar on Globalising Your Practice)

Laurel S. Terry, Anti-Money Laundering Regulation From Education to Compliance:
Where Should the Balance Lie?
, Int’l Conference of Legal Regulators (Chicago, Oct. 28, 2022) [See also this AML Resources document]

Moderator, Exploring New Models of Legal Services Regulation: What Makes Sense in Our Changing World?, 47th Nat’l Conf. on Professional Responsibility (Baltimore, June 2, 2022) [See also the Session resources]

[Substitute] Panelist, Different Goals, Conflicting Interests? – Regulation of Lawyers by Government Agencies vs. Regulation of Lawyers by State Supreme Courts, 47th Nat’l Conf. on Professional Responsibility (Baltimore, June 2, 2022)

Panelist, Virtual Reality: PMBR Past, Present & Future, NOBC Midyear Meeting (Virtual Conference, Feb. 12, 2021) and Resource Material

Co-Moderator, Agenda: Proactive Management-Based Regulation Roundtable (Austin, Feb. 14, 2020) [Items circulated at this Roundtable included this Resources List and pdf with distributed PMBR webpages

Laurel S. Terry, Regulatory Developments Related to Innovation, Technology, and the Practice of Law, Law Society of Ontario Special Lectures 2019 (Toronto, Nov. 22, 2019) [click here for the updated version of the materials I prepared for this conference]

Panelist, Outside the Law Office: Where Do the Boundaries of Regulation Lie?, Int’l Conf. of Legal Regulators (Edinburgh, Sept. 5, 2019) (Note: There weren’t any slides, but see Prof. Terry’s Resource List about lawyers’ separate business interests, social media, and lawyers in the gig economy)

Moderator, Considering the Future of Rule 5.4, 45th ABA Nat’l Conf. on Professional Responsibility (Vancouver, Canada, May 31, 2019) (See also Laurel Terry’s Rule 5.4 Resources List & all 5.4 panel materials, including the April 2019 IAALS Unlocking Regulation Workshop Agenda)

Laurel S. Terry, International Developments, International Networks, and their Impact on U.S. Legal Ethics and Lawyer Regulation, Miller-Becker Center for Professional Responsibility, U. Akron Law School Inaugural Lecture in the Lawyers & the Globalization of Legal Services Series (Akron, April 12, 2019)

Panelist, Imagining U.S. Legal Practice Without Rule 5.4–A Thought Experiment, APRL Mid-Year Meeting, (Las Vegas, Jan. 25, 2019) (See Rule 5.4 Resources list & Examples of Regulatory Objectives)

Laurel S. Terry, Lawyers, FATF, and Lawyers & AML/CFT Initiatives, Crisscrossing the Pond: Transatlantic Issues in Legal Ethics and Regulation Conference sponsored by APRL and the Law Society of England and Wales (Washington, D.C., Nov. 9, 2018); see also the AML-FATF items on the Research Areas webpage)

Laurel S. Terry, Introduction to Legal Services Roundtable, US-UK Trade and Investment Working Group (Washington, D.C. Nov. 6, 2018) (See also ABA ITILS page re the U.S.-UK Legal Services Roundtable)

Laurel S. Terry and José Carlos Llerena Robles, Attorney Regulation and FATF’s Mutual Evaluations (New York, Dec. 9, 2017) (See also the resulting article and AML-FATF items on the Research Areas webpage)

Laurel S. Terry, Regulatory Objectives & PMBR for VSB Study Committee on the Future of Law Practice (Virtually, June 2017)

Moderator, Admission to the Practice of Law5th ICLR Conference (Washington D.C. Sept. 15, 2016) and ICLR Admissions Resources List

Laurel S. Terry, FATF’s 4th Mutual Evaluations & Lawyers, International Legal Ethics Conference VII (New York, July 16. 2016) (See also the AML-FATF items on the Research Areas webpage)

Laurel S. Terry, Admitting Foreign Lawyers, National Conference of Bar Examiners Admissions’ Conference (Washington, D.C., April 16, 2016) and 2016 NCBE Session Materials-Links; see also the international trade-related items on the Research Areas webpage)

Laurel S. Terry, TTIP & Free Mobility of Lawyers, ABA Section of International Law Spring Meeting (New York, April 13, 2016) (See also the international trade-related items on the Research Areas webpage)

Laurel S. Terry, Globalization of Legal Services: An Overview, NOVA Broad Law School (Ft. Lauderdale, March 2016)

Laurel S. Terry, Challenges Facing the Legal Profession & Strategies to Address Them, AALS Annual Meeting: Presidential Program (New York, Jan. 7, 2016)[these slides reference this handout entitled The Global Landscape of Lawyer Regulation]

Laurel S. Terry and Camille C. Marion, Dickinson Law’s New Curriculum and its Focus on Student Outcomes, 4th Annual Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers Conference (Denver, Oct. 1, 2015)

 Laurel S. Terry, International Mobility in Global Legal Markets, International Institute of Law Associate Chief Executives (IILACE) Annual Conference 2015 (Washington, D.C. Sept. 12, 2015)

Laurel S. Terry, What Can the U.S. Expect from the World?, National Organization of Bar Counsel Annual Meeting (Chicago, July 29, 2015) and Resources

Laurel S. Terry, What Can the World Expect from the U.S.?, International Conference of Legal Regulators (Toronto, July 28, 2015)

Panelist, The Future of Legal Regulation in an Ever Expanding Universe of Legal Services, International Conference of Legal Regulators (Toronto, July 28, 2015); see also materials 

James Coyle and Laurel Terry, Session 3 Slides, Denver Proactive Regulation Workshop (May 30, 2015) [See also the minutes from the 2015 1st Proactive Workshop, and the PMBR materials on on the Research Areas webpage)

Laurel S. Terry, Admitting Foreign Lawyers, National Conference of Bar Examiners Annual Bar Admissions Conference (Chicago, May 2, 2015) See also Table of Contents of Materials, “Association” Map, and State Implementation map showing US Foreign Lawyer Admission Rules

Laurel S. Terry, The Changing Regulation of International Lawyers, ABA Section of International Law (D.C., April 30, 2015)

Laurel S. Terry, Innovations in Conduct Regulation, Canadian Bar Association & Federation of Law Societies of Canada’s Second Annual Canadian Ethics Conference (Toronto, March 6, 2015)

Laurel S. Terry, Globalization: What’s a State Bar To Do?, National Conference of Bar Presidents (Houston, Feb. 6, 2015) (includes information about TTIP)

Laurel S. Terry, T-TIP: Implications and Opportunities for Law Firms, Large Law Firm General Counsel Roundtable (Atlanta, Jan. 16, 2015)

Laurel S. Terry, Globalization and Legal Education, AALS Annual Meeting (Washington DC, Jan. 2015)

Laurel S. Terry, Addressing the Challenges of Global Lawyering: [The GA/ITILS Toolkit], Nat’l Conf. Bar Presidents (Nov. 2014)

Laurel S. Terry, Globalization, Legal Education, and Legal Practice, Widener Delaware (Nov. 2014)

Laurel S. Terry, Status of U.S.-Eu TTIP Negotiations at 2014 EU-US Roundtable (Boston Aug. 2014) (no slides; see Agenda and Attendee Materials)

Moderator, Plenary Session #1: Regulatory Innovation in England and Wales, Canada, and Australia: What’s in it for Us?, ABA Center for Professional Responsibility 40th Annual National Conference on Professional Responsibility (Long Beach, May 29, 2014)[Session Materials]

Laurel S. Terry, Regulating Lawyers in a Global Arena, Southeastern Workshop on the EU/US Free Trade Agreement Sponsored by the State Bar of Georgia (Atlanta, May 16, 2014)

Panelist, Ethical Problems in Appellate Practice, Third Circuit Judicial Conference (Hershey, May 9, 2014)

Laurel S. Terry, Admitting Foreign-Trained Lawyers, National Conference of Bar Examiners Annual Bar Admissions Conference (Seattle, May 3, 2014)[Session Materials]

Laurel S. Terry, FATF Implementation & US Lawyers at the Symposium on Combating Threats to the International Financial System: The Financial Action Task Force (New York, April 25, 2014)

Laurel S. Terry, Howard Lichtenstein Distinguished Professorship in Legal Ethics Lecture: Regulatory Objectives for the Legal Profession, Hofstra Law School (Feb. 12, 2014). For further information about the Lichtenstein Lecture, see here (click through for video)

 Laurel S. Terry, Globalization, Legal Practice and Legal Education, University of Nebraska College of Law Big 10 Faculty Colloquium, Lincoln, NE (Jan. 31, 2014)

Laurel S. Terry, Regulating Lawyers in a Global Arena, Conference of Chief Justices Midyear Meeting, Sea Island, Georgia (Jan. 28, 2014)[Session Materials]

Laurel S. Terry, The Lawyer Monopoly in a Global Context, Fordham Law School Colloquium on The Legal Profession’s Monopoly on the Practice of Law, New York, Oct. 18, 2013

Laurel S. Terry, Reflections on Regulation & the Keynote Address, Harvard Law School – IBA BIC Showcase Program, Oct. 9, 2013

Laurel S. Terry, ABS Developments in a Global ContextLaw Society of Upper Canada ABS Symposium, Oct. 4, 2013, Toronto [See also my 2013 Canadian Trends Saskatchewan Law Review article]

Laurel S. Terry, Trends in Canadian & Global Regulation, Delivered as the Fifth Gertler Family Lectureship in Law Honouring the Robert McKercher Family, University of Saskatchewan, January 15, 2013, Saskatoon [See also my 2013 Canadian Trends article]

Laurel S. Terry, Global Trends in Lawyer Regulation, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, January 10, 2013, Sacramento (presentation to the faculty) [See also 2012 “Trends” article]

Laurel S. Terry, Building a Global Network for Lawyer Regulators (and why it matters), McGeorge School of Law Ethics Across the Professions Presentation, Jan. 9, 2013, Sacramento

Laurel S. Terry, [Concluding the First ICLR Conference: Where Do We Go From Here?, International Conference of Legal Regulators, Sept. 28, 2012, London

Laurel S. Terry, Building a Global Umbrella Organization for Lawyer Regulators, International Legal Ethics Conference (ILEC) V, July 13, 2012, Banff, Canada [See also 2012 Global Umbrella Organization  article]

Laurel S. Terry, LawWithoutWalls™: Segment on Regulation of the Global Legal Marketplace, International Legal Ethics Conference (ILEC) V, July 13, 2012, Banff, Canada [See also 2012 “Trends” article]

Laurel S. Terry, Globalization and the Legal Profession for the Int’l Legal Education Abroad Conference (American University, April 2012) (Terry slides delivered by someone else)

Laurel S. Terry, Globalization Comes to Main Street: U.S. Impact of Global Regulatory Trends, National Conference of Bar Examiners, April 20, 2012, Savannah, Georgia

Laurel S. Terry, The FATF and Lawyer Regulation: Why NOBC Members Should Help Educate their Lawyers about the ABA’s Voluntary Good Practices Guidance, National Organization of Bar Counsel Midyear Meeting, Feb. 3, 2012, New Orleans

Laurel S. Terry, Globalization, Legal Practice, & Education, AALS Workshop on the Future of Legal Education and the Future of the Profession, Jan. 5, 2012, Washington, D.C

Laurel S. Terry, Infrastructure, the Rule of Law, and the Need for a Global Lawyer Regulatory Umbrella Organization, Symposium on Lawyers as Conservators of the Rule of Law, Sept. 9, 2011, Lansing, Michigan [See also 2012 Global Umbrella Organization  article]

Laurel S. Terry, Moderator, Ethics 20/20 and Conflicts of Law [Rule 8.5 and Choice of Law] for ABA 37th National Conference on Professional Responsibility Scholarship Roundtable (Memphis, June 2011) (See also the Testimony and Comments page)

Laurel S. Terry, International Initiatives that Affect Your Job as a Regulator and  The 2007 UK Legal Services Act, National Organization of Bar Counsel Midyear Meeting, Feb. 11, 2011

Laurel S. Terry, International Practice of Law and Regulation of Attorney Practice, Conference of Chief Justices, Midyear Meeting, Jan. 23, 2011, Washington, D.C.

Laurel S. Terry, LawWithoutWalls™ Thought Leader Presentation: Trends in Global Lawyer Regulation, Jan. 19, 2011

Laurel S. Terry, International Initiatives Relevant to Transnational and Cross-Border Higher Education, Association of American Law Schools’ Annual Meeting 2011, San Francisco, Jan. 6, 2011

Laurel S. Terry, A Model for International Choice of Law and Coordination of Attorney Regulation, IV International Legal Ethics Conference, Stanford Law School, July 17, 2010 (See also the Testimony page for Professors Terry and Rogers’ submissions to the ABA 20/20 Commission)

Laurel S. Terry, Transformative Law: The Impact of International Law on Lawyer Regulation: A Case Study Focusing on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and its 2008 Lawyer Guidance, AALS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Jan. 8, 2010 (See Symposium TOC, my Symposium article, and more recent AML-FATF resources on the Research Areas page)

Laurel S. Terry, The Supreme Court and the Law of Lawyering: Mere Coincidence or Something More?, AALS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Jan. 7, 2010 (See also “Lawyers as Service Providers”)

Laurel S. Terry, From GATS to APEC: The Impact of International Trade Agreements on Lawyer Regulation, Miller-Becker Institute Inaugural Symposium, Akron, Oct. 9, 2009 (See also resources on the Research Areas page, including the Symposium article)

Laurel S. Terry, Regulation of Legal Systems and Lawyers, Harvard-Oxford-Jindal Globalization of the Legal Profession Programme (Oxford, Sept. 12, 2009)

Laurel S. Terry, Introduction to Recent Global Developments  at The Future is Here: [ABS], Globalization and the Regulation of the Legal Profession, Conference for the Conference of Chief Justices, (Chicago, May 27, 2009) (See also CPR Conference materials)

Laurel S. Terry, Foreign Lawyer Recognition, at the National Conference of Bar Examiners Annual Bar Admissions Conference, Plenary: Trends in International Practice/Testing and Regulation of U.S. Lawyers, Baltimore, April 24, 2009

Laurel S. Terry, Handout: Codes of Conduct for International Tribunals and Arbitration for Panel Session on Challenges of Transnational Legal Practice: Advocacy and Ethics at the American Society of International Law 103rd Annual Meeting, March 27, 2009, Washington, DC

Laurel S. TerryGlobal Innovation and the Shifting Regulatory Environment: Developments Beyond the GATS, ASIL/Harvard Law School Conference on Globalization of the Legal Profession, Cambridge, Nov. 21, 2008

Laurel S. Terry, ABS & Non-lawyer Equity in Law Firms for Panel: The Next Big Wave of Cross-Border Litigation: New Funding Techniques for New Litigation, ABA Sec. Int’l Law (Miami, Oct. 2008)

Laurel S. Terry, Facing a Transformed Global Legal Landscape: An Introduction to the UK Legal Services Act, Am. Law. Media Law Firm Leaders’ Forum, New York, Oct. 22, 2008

Laurel S. Terry, A Modest Proposal? Should NOBC Members Use Rule 5.1 More Proactively? National Organization of Bar Counsel Annual Meeting, New York, Aug. 9, 2008

Laurel S. Terry, GATS, Legal Services and Skills Transfer in Developing Jurisdictions, International Bar Association, Third Annual Bar Leaders’ Conference, Amsterdam, May 14, 2008

Laurel S. Terry, The Intersection of Legal Ethics and Globalization: Choice of Law Issues – Introducing the “Double Deontology” Issue, Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers, Amsterdam, May 6, 2008

Laurel S. Terry, Legal Services Reform in the United Kingdom: What Does It Mean for Firms with a Foot on Both Sides of the Pond? – Other ABS Initiatives, Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers, Amsterdam, May 5, 2008

Laurel S. Terry, International Trade and Licensing Issues with Outsourcing, (UC Berkeley April 25, 2008)

Laurel S. Terry, The EU’s Professional Services Competition Initiative: Is the EU Very Far Behind Australia and the UK With Respect to Publicly Traded Law Firms?, Georgetown University Law Center Symposium: The Future of the Global Law Firm, April 17, 2008 (See related article)

Laurel S. Terry, Global ABS Developments: Third-Party Equity Holdings in Law Firms, ABA Sec. of Int’l Law Spring Meeting (NY April 2008)

Laurel S. Terry, North American Cross-Border Practice and the Law Schools, Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting, New York, Jan. 7, 2008

Laurel S. Terry, The Work of the IBA WTO Working Group, 2nd IBA Bar Leaders’ Conf. (Zagreb, May 18, 2007)

Panel: Barriers to International Legal Practice? The LeClerc, Wallace and Lacavera Cases (Washington D.C. May 4, 2007) (Program materials included Laurel S. Terry, Table Showing Legal Services Commitments in the 1994 Uruguay Round )

Presentation, The U.S. MJP Situation and Other Recent Rule Changes, International Institute of Law Association Chief Executives (IILACE), New York, August 18, 2006 (See also Terry Table re MJP 8 & 9 status )

Laurel S. Terry, The Bologna Process and its Impact on Legal Education in Europe and Germany, 52nd Annual Berlin Seminar for Fulbright Scholars, March 6, 2006, Berlin

Laurel S. Terry, Handout: The Changing Legal Profession: Globalization, AALS Midyear Meeting: Workshop on Professional Responsibility, Montreal, June 2005 (See also resulting symposium article)

Laurel S. Terry, GATS & Multijurisdictional Practice, General Counsel Committee, National Center for State Courts (Washington, D.C., May 10, 2005)

Laurel S. Terry, Legal Education and Practice in the European Union, AALS Annual Meeting (San Francisco, Jan. 2005)

Laurel S. Terry, Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility in a Global Context, American Society of Comparative Law, St. Louis, Nov. 12, 2004 (See also Washington University Symposium article)

Laurel S. Terry, Legal Education and Practice in the European Union, AALS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Jan. 6, 2005 (See also pp. 146-155 and 210-218 in Vanderbilt Bologna article)

Laurel S. Terry, The New Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct, Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Dec. 9, 2004

Laurel S. Terry, Presentation to the Technical Subgroup of the Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications, U.N. Statistics Division, Oct. 18, 2004 and

Laurel S. Terry, Presentation to the WTO Workshop on Domestic Regulation, March 29, 2004 – submitted on behalf of the International Bar Association regarding the application of the WTO Accountancy Disciplines to the legal profession and outline

Laurel S. Terry, German MDPs: Lessons to Learn?, Joint Meetings of the Law and Society Association and Research Committee on Sociology of Law (Budapest, July 4, 2001)

Laurel S. Terry, An MDP Primer, Presidential Showcase, ABA Annual Meeting, New York, July 8, 2000 (See also MDP items on the Research Areas section of this website)

Laurel S. Terry, Written Remarks: MDPs: Examining the Issues, ABA CPR’s 25th Nat’l Conf. Prof. Responsibility (June 1999)

Missing Talks: Creighton/NE CLE 1989, San Antonio 1990, PBA/PBI 1990/1993/1997, CA Bar SIL 1994, San Diego CPR 1995, The Hague 1995, AALS 1996 & 1997, San Antonio 1996, Dallas 1998, Bremen 1999, MDP talks 1998-99, German MDPs 1999-2000, Temple 1999, U MN 2000, Dublin 2000, Cornell 2001, Harvard 2001, Vanderbilt 2001, Cancun 2001, London-Sherr 2002, Riga 2003, Vilnius 2003, Portland 2004, AALS 2006, DC Statistics-Commerce 2010, misc AALS/ABA/NCBE/NCBP talks