TED Talk Reflection

First of all, yikes! I really don’t like rewatching myself, but who does?

To start off positive, I am very happy with my improvement from my last speech because that was something I’d like to forget. However, learning from my mistakes, I decided to practice more, and it paid off! While I still do not seem to be 100% comfortable up there, I found I used less filler words to compensate for a lackluster speech. Furthermore, my speech was much more organized, which I owe entirely to my visual aids. I knew what each slide was for and included key words that kept me on topic and kept me on pace. Even though I was just 18 seconds over the 5 minute cut-off, I felt my speech was well done and organized. My points flowed and were informational, proving I knew my stuff. However, I  will criticize my visual aid on Slide 3 because of a little complication with the arrows. Instead of giving them a fancy animation, I should have just included them all at the same, which caused me to waste time.

Despite improvement from my previous speech, I did stumble once in a while and repeat myself quite frequently, which resulted in my thesis being lost in translation. It wasn’t clear what I was trying to say about the impressionist movement until the very end of my speech, in one very short sentence. I also wish I elaborated more on Lenny Bruce’s quote because that quote was what I felt was going to tie up the end of my speech. Instead, it was unclear how it related to my points and almost seemed pointless. My last and final criticism is my disappointment in my choice of clothing that morning because, wow, I look like a real mess. After watching a few of my other classmates, I should have known to dress a little nicer but I guess I forgot because I look like I just “rolled out of bed” as my mom says. Either way, despite improvement from my last speech, I do need some work. However, I am proud of what I was able to do, despite cringing the whole time.

TED Talk Outline and Visual Aid

Oral Content

Topic: Impressionist Movement- Influence and Technique

Purpose: Capturing the moment and the emotion of the fleeting moments of everyday life.


(Slide 1)

“We do not remember days, we remember moments.” -Cesare Pavese

Every moment of the day seems fleeting. It all can move very fast and seem impossible to capture it all with accuracy. Not only is it hard to capture, but everyone perceives the world differently. Think of your everyday route to class, you may notice specific characteristics of the leaves, or the people walking past. However, someone else with same route as you, may notice some things in a different way.

This raises the question, how do we capture it all?

This is where I casually Segway into my lovely topic of Impressionism

(Slide 2)


Main Points

(Slide 3)

  • Impressionism was the 1st movement where the emphasis was on the artist’s artwork and based on their personal perception of what they observed during a single moment in time with complete honesty and integrity, while not necessarily being based on objective reality.
    • Development of the camera–>slow shutter
    • Capturing the real world.
    • Emotional subconscious.

(Slide 4)

  • Impressionists used a bright color palette(perception of light and color), thin yet visible brush strokes, movement, and an en plain aire technique to capture artists perception of a fleeting moment with honesty.
    • A woman and her parasol. –>quick analysis


(Slide 5)

  • In order to capture what is instead of what was, Impressionists focused not on the world of historical and religious imagination, but on what the artists’s were able to perceive in everyday life. By using what was, at the time,unconventional techniques, Impressionists created vivid, almost dreamy depictions of seemingly mundane moments in everyday life, influencing future movements to come, and changing the way we view modern art today.
  • And with that, I thank you.
  • Ted Talk -2li7kt2


Essay Outline

***I’d just like to say that outline is pretty brief due to the fact that over the past couple days, I couldn’t think a good thought if I tried to think it.***

Topic: The three advertisements in Nike’s Believe In More campaign.

Purpose: How the three advertisements successfully target and play to the challenges of young women in sport in countries where it is an emerging ideology of women’s equality in sport and in society.

Introduction: Any given company will be screaming “women’s empowerment”. Not only is feminism trendy but it’s profitable. Feminism is quickly becoming intertwined with capitalism and feminists are becoming concerned that the commercialization of feminism is dampening the end goal of feminism. Women play a major role in the global market and companies are latching onto it without actually supporting progress. While most companies tend to have a hidden agenda. Some companies are taking actual strides to better the circumstances of women, particularly in sport. Nike recently released a series of three ads, in three different countries, and three drastically cultures. This particular ad series does not target the typical female market. In fact, it is aimed towards some of its smallest female markets.

Thesis Statement: The three advertisements in Nike’s Believe In More campaign tackles female insecurities in the form of societal expectations, gender discrimination, and community pressures by using a series of kairotic moments assert an emerging ideology of women’s equality in sport through a series of commercials that cleverly use intrinsic proofs and cultural references to target the individual insecurities of women and young girls in Middle Eastern countries.


  1. Kairotic Moments of the ad campaign–
    • Internation Women’s Day
    • Putin’s ruling to decriminalize domestic violence and what it means for women in Russia
    • Nike’s Pro-Hijab line release in Spring 2018
    • The attack of a woman in Istanbul on a bus for wearing shorts one week before filming.
    • The ever present inequality of women in the Middle East.
  2. Dissection of each advertisement (Each advertisement is its own “mini paragraph”
    1. Turkey
    2. Russia
    3. Middle East
  3. Explanation of the use of intrinsic proofs and cultural references.
    1. One paragraph describing ethos in each ad. (thematic elements, musical elements, etc.)
    2. One paragraph describing pathos in each ad. (Popular and successful female athletes from their specific countries)
    3. How all of these advertisements and their elements elements contribute to Nike’s overall message of women’s right to equality in sport.
      1. For example: The use of ethos and pathos encourage women to challenge stereotypical roles and cultural ideologies by pursuing sport no matter what boundaries or obstacles stand in their way.
  4. Nike’s success with the ad and why it made such a splash in markets other than the targeted market that it has become viral. Does this mean Nike is for women’s rights? Or are they just playing the female market for profit?


Summary Statement: Nike successfully uses a kairotic moment, pathos and ethos, and cultural elements to encourage women to pursue sports without letting obstacles get in their way, while also wearing Nike apparel.

Concluding Statement: I’m still working on it. I feel that I have not sufficiently gathered enough information about Nike’s stance on women’s right to decide if I want to support the side that it is a genuine ad supporting women’s rights, a play of the female market, or just play the devil’s advocate by saying we can never really know for sure? 


Are women being played by companies' 'feminist' campaigns?

W+K Explains What Unites Its Powerful Nike Women Ads Running in Russia, Turkey and the Middle East


https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2015/11/08/nikes-11-billion-dollar-plan-to-create-a-womens-fitness-empire/74740318/ (Nike’s plan for the women’s market)

https://www.savoirflair.com/beauty/322974/nike-budapest-believe-in-more (Pro Nike)





Women in Russia

Topic: Nike: What Are Girls Made Of?

Purpose: Encourage women and young girls to get active, regardless of obstacles and barriers. (And possibly in Nike 😉 )

Thesis Statement: By adding a modern twist to one of Russia’s most well-known songs, Nike establishes strong intrinsic proofs to appeal to the emerging ideology of women’s equality in sport and in society.


Attention Strategy: I’d start by asking you guys about feminism, however, I a) don’t have time for that and b) I won’t torture you.

I would also like to make a disclaimer that I will only be talking about the position of women in the countries that Nike aimed these advertisements toward. I will not be referring to Nike’s sales or quarterly results overall, specifically because North America is Nike’s largest customer and has the most influence in Nike’s quarterly reports. Furthermore, since the following advertisements were aimed toward Middle Eastern countries, it really just wouldn’t be fitting. Right? Good.

Preview: In my presentation, I will be giving a brief but in depth look as to why this Nike ad is influential and successful its points. Specifically, about women’s equality in society and in sport in Russia and other Middle Eastern countries, without the commercial having the sole purpose of selling Nike apparel.


Main Idea 1- Nike challenges cultural tradition by using pathos in the form of a young girl and theatrical elements to encourage other women that they are more than “marmalade and gossip”.

  • In the beginning of the commercial, a young girl in a silk dress with a golden head band and sash walks onto the stage to perform in front of a smartly dressed crowd. The beginning of her performance follows the original lyrics of the traditional and beloved Russian song, “What girls are made of”. It is soft and, like the original, has a light and playful sound. It is clear that in the beginning of the song, that the young girl is conforming to the traditional ideology in Russia that women are the “prettier sex”.
  • However, as soon as the girl recognizes some of Russia’s most accomplished female athletes, she begins to change the original lyrics into a more inspirational performance. The commercial also begins to stray from the soft, playful sound to increasing dynamics by including bass, instrumentals, and a choir to make the song more impactful and create the perfect musical contrast. Nike perfectly blends storytelling and music to play with the audiences emotions and inspire any girl or woman to fearlessly prove what they can do by walking onto any field or any court with confidence.

Main Idea 2- By highlighting some of Russia’s most successful female athletes, Nike successfully uses ethos and even pathos to inspire women with what is possible.

  • “Nike: What Are Girls Made Of” features Russian most successful athletes, including, Diana Vishneva (ballet), Katya Izotova (fighter), Adelina Sotnikova (figure skater), Darya Klishina (long jump), and Olga Markes(yoga). Since these women are so successful, their mere presence in the ad brings credibility to the Nike ads phrase “You are what you do. Believe in more.”
  • Furthermore, since these women were originally “ordinary girls”, their success stories brings pathos to the ad by inspiring women and girls to strive for their passion in not only sports but in life, without allowing the obstacles of cultural gender bias and discrimination get in their way. It makes the impressionable audience of young girls believe, “Hey, if they can do it, I can do it too.”


Summary Statement- The ad itself builds on the emerging ideology of women’s equality in the sport and in the work place. The young girl, successful female athletes, and thematic elements bring pathos. However, the presence of strong female athletes bring ethos to the ad by strengthening the credibility of the Nike statement, “You are what you do. Believe in more.” The ad itself builds on the emerging ideology of women’s equality in the sport and in the work place

Closing Statement: something cool. 

Artifact Ideas

These ideas might be trash, but I might also be on to something.


The “Your Future is Not Mine” ad has always stuck with me and luckily I have this opportunity to pick it apart. I think it is extremely powerful and well executed, putting forth a message while also advertising the brand. Furthermore, I would love to go more in depth and compare Adidas to other sports apparel empowerment ads. Such as, the Nike ad “What are Girls Made Of?” that I have linked below Adidas Originals.

My first idea includes the ad below. This is part of a series that went viral. I was thinking of comparing this to the liberation of women’s sexual identityand rights duringthe 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Image result for women's rights ads

Here is the website with background information: viral-womens-rights-ad-campaign-to-expand-2013-10

Anotha One!


Here is another one of my favorite websites!

O ilustrador Filipino Kerby Rosanes ficou famoso pelos seus doodles. Ele também é o artista responsável pelo livro de colorir Animorphia, que já faz sucesso no mundo todo. #geometric #beasts

It has been somewhat tough to find another website that I visit frequently. Despite being on the internet quite frequently, I never find myself returning to the same website all that often. However, after racking my brain, I was able to come up with “Anotha One”. (I’m Sorry)

Kerby Rosanes is an artist centered in the Phillipines and left his job in 2014 to turn his passion into his profession. What his website lacks in the written word is made up for in his beautiful artwork. Anyone who chooses to visit his website is able to look through his entire collected works, including his published works and his personal sketchbook. The website itself is minimalistic, letting the artwork speak for itself. Using primarily markers, ink, and fine liners, Kerby manages to create his own universe by combining reality and imagination. He harnesses different techniques effortlessly and each drawing is a masterpiece. From personal experience, I have tried to recreate a few pieces but have never been able to do it in such an effortless way, which is primarily why I admire him and find myself returning time and time again to his website. He inspires my creativity and makes me think outside of the box. Hopefully, he can do the same for you!
