My Artist Statement

Art. Tech. Wellness. As a Los Angeles native, my love of art begun at a young age when I was exposed to LACMA, The Norton Simon Museum, The Huntington Gardens and countless music venues. Sound engineering was my first trade and as I continued to carve my path through the art world, I became a…

One Page Websites

Sometimes, less is more. One page websites act as the sharp shooters of user experience (UX). Websites built on a vertical and linear axis create a ‘one-stop-shop’ kind of feel, offering streamlined value to the user. Whether it is an info-graphic, a simple single-use function, or a straight forward portfolio, one-page websites deliver their primary…

The CSS Archaeology of Colors

Newbie to CSS? Me too. One of the most fundamental CSS properties that continues to be the crux of my designs are colors. Utilizing the CSS color and background-color properties is an easy and precise way to set the tone of a website; ultimately they curate the overall experience for users. One of my personal…

The Grid

The grid. What is it and why should you care? Simply put, grid-based design is used to distinguish specific ratios between quadrants in a layout; ultimately delivering cohesiveness. Thus, grid-design often yields a pleasurable experience for the viewer because things are proportional; whether it’s magazine layouts or digital website designs, we encounter grid-design layouts on…

The Design of Everyday Things

I was first introduced to the term “Norman Doors” in my Digital Multimedia Design 100 class. Upon reading The Design of Everyday Things by Donald Norman, I was eager to hear his thoughts on design; especially since poorly design doors are referred to as such after him! While reading chapter one, The Psychopathology of Everyday…