With President Trump running for re-election next year in 2020, it makes you wonder whether or not he will serve for one more term as president of the United States. Currently, Donald Trump stands as a fan favorite with an approval rating of forty-four percent and a predicted chance of winning re-election at a staggering seventy percent. In fact, Trump’s approval rating has only continued to climb within the last month as the economy has improved under his presidency. However, even with this in mind, if President Trump’s approval rating were to just drop to around forty percent over the course of the next few months then the likelihood of him winning the next election will become a toss-up. According to an article titled Trump will be ‘very tough to beat’ in 2020 if he gets three things right written by Yen Nee Lee of CNBC, there are three things Donald Trump needs to secure the election: the economy to continue to grow, the border security strategy to continue to gain support, and his foreign policies to show progress. The only factor within this prediction that is actually showing some progress is the U.S economy.
The current economy, under the direction of President Trump, is in fact, performing fairly well compared to how it was in the early 2000s. The current unemployment rate in the United States has reached a record low of 3.9 percent and currently there are more jobs available than the number of citizens seeking employment. In fact, a Gallup Poll was created in which people were asked whether or not seeking a job of high-quality was a possibility in our current climate. From this poll they found very interesting results. Under Trump’s Presidency, sixty-five percent of Americans think that finding a high quality job in our current climate is a good idea. This is the highest percentage that this poll has ever recorded for this question which really goes to show that, in the realm of economics, Trump’s Presidency has had some benefits.
President Trump’s plan to build a wall over the southern border of the United States has caused immense controversy across the nation since it’s proposal in the 2016 election. This wall has been so controversial mainly because many Americans are not willing to fund a wall that will cost over 5.6 billion dollars and that is not guaranteed to fully solve the current problem of illegal immigration in America. In an article titled Poll: Americans are becoming more polarized on the border wall written by Tara Golshan of Vox, it was found that the number of Republicans in support of the wall had gone up from seventy-two percent to an impressive eighty-two percent just within the past year. However, an opposite trend was seen amongst Democrats in the United States. It was found that, over the past year, Democrat support for the wall had begun at thirteen percent at the beginning of last year and has decreased substantially to a mere six percent. I attribute the support for the wall amongst members of the Republican Party to the ongoing persistence of President Trump’s to get the wall built in order to fulfill one of his main campaign promises. Overall, forty-two percent of Americans as of today support the idea of building a wall across the southern border. This is actually not that bad given he has gotten almost half of the United States to agree with this portion of his campaign more than anything else.
The way in which President Trump conducts as well as enforces foreign policy has certainly been one of the weakest features of his presidency. In fact, many Americans also strongly agree that Trump’s ability to conduct foreign policy is poor. According to an article titled A majority of Americans disapprove of Trump’s foreign Policy by Jen Kirby of Vox, a poll was taken in which sixty-three percent of Americans disapproved of the way in which President Trump was handling foreign policy. This can be attributed to how aggressive Trump’s rhetoric has been to foreign leaders over the course of his presidency and how this rhetoric has negatively impacted the perception of the United States on a global scale as a whole.
Even with the predicted odds of re-election for President Trump at seventy percent, he will still certainly have his work cut out for him. Competition for President Trump in the 2020 election includes New Jersey senator Cory Booker, Former Texas House of Representative Beto O’Rourke, politician John Delaney, and former rival Bernie Sanders. However, even with these strong competitors up to take his place, President Trump will most likely prevail and win the 2020 election. With the strength of the economy increasing as well as support for the wall gaining more momentum each day, President Trump may actually have this upcoming election in the bag.