
02/23/2024 Congratulations to Mingyu Yu for winning the University of Delaware Doctoral Fellowship!

12/06/2023 Congratulations to Ryan Trice for passing his Ph.D. Qualifying Exam!

10/26/2023 Congratulations to Molly McDonough, Nanda Gopakumar, and Ryan Trice for winning best posters at Penn State Materials Day!

10/12/2023 Congratulations to Molly McDonough for winning the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences NSF GRFP Poster Competition!

9/15/2023 Congratulations to Mingyu Yu for winning best NAMBE Paper!


12/06/2023 Congratulations to Ryan Trice for passing his Ph.D. Qualifying Exam!

10/26/2023 Congratulations to Molly McDonough, Nanda Gopakumar, and Ryan Trice for winning best posters at Penn State Materials Day!

10/12/2023 Congratulations to Molly McDonough for winning the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences NSF GRFP Poster Competition!

9/15/2023 Congratulations to Mingyu Yu for winning best NAMBE Paper!

5/31/2023 Ubaidullah Hassan joins the group as an REU student. Welcome, Ubaid!

5/31/2023 Jonathan Chin joins the group as an RSVP fellow. Welcome, Jonathan!

5/31/2023 Mo Li joins the group as an RSVP fellow. Welcome, Mo!

5/17/2023 Dr. Maria Hilse is appointed as an affiliate faculty member in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Penn State. Congratulations, Maria!

5/15/2023 Dr. Maria Hilse’s artwork “TETRIS – Materials Research Style” wins Best of Show in the Materials Visualization Competition. Congratulations, Maria!

5/15/2023 Molly McDonough joins the group. Welcome, Molly!

8/15/2022 Zhengtianye Wang’s article “Surface plasmon-phonon-magnon polariton in a topological insulator-antiferromagnetic bilayer structure” is published in Physical Review Materials in collaboration with and Yongchen Liu

1/1/2022 Ryan Trice joins the group. Welcome, Ryan!

1/1/2022 Gokul Nanda Gopakumar joins the group. Welcome, Nanda!

1/1/2022 Shagorika Mukherjee joins the group. Welcome, Shagorika!

11/17/2021 Saadia’s article “In-plane plasmon coupling in topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin films is published in Applied Physics Letters in collaboration with Zhengtianye Daniel Wang and Sivakumar Vishnuvardhan Mambakkam. Congratulations to Saadia and the team!

11/01/2021 Daniel’s article “Optimization of the Growth of the Van der Waals Materials Bi2Se3 and (Bi0.5In0.5)2Se3 by Molecular Beam Epitaxy” is published in Crystal Growth & Design. Congratulations to Daniel!

07/20/2021 Vishnu’s article “Growth of topological insulator Bi2Se3 particles on GaAs via droplet epitaxy” is published in Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A in collaboration with the Zide group. Congratulations to Vish, Saadia, and Wilder!

05/27/21 Patrick graduates with his Ph.D. Congratulations, Patrick!

03/29/2021 Daniel wins the MSEG Outstanding Graduate Student Research Assistant Award. Congratulations, Daniel!

03/11/2021 Vishnu’s article “Fabrication of topological insulator nanostructures“wins the 2020 AVS Shop Notes Award. Congratulations, Vish!

03/09/2021 Theresa’s article “Self-assembled nano-columns in Bi2Se3 grown by molecular beam epitaxy” is published in the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A. Congratulations to Theresa!

03/08/2021 Daniel wins a Best Student Presentation Award for Symposium NM02 at Fall 2020 MRS for his presentation “Plasmonics in Coupled Topological Insulator Heterostructures”. Congratulations, Daniel!

03/07/2021 Prof. Law wins the International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (ICMBE) Young Investigator Award.

1/04/2021 Mingyu Yu, a graduate student in MSEG, joins the group. Welcome, Mingyu!

11/17/2020 Patrick’s article “Structural parameters of hyperbolic metamaterials controlling high-k mode resonant wavelengths” is published in the Journal of the Optical Society of America B. Congratulations Patrick!

11/9/2020 Daniel’s article “Plasmon coupling in topological insulator multilayers” is published in Physical Review Materials in collaboration with the Ni group at UD. Congratulations to Daniel, Theresa, Vishnu, and Greeshma!

11/5/2020 Yong’s article “Propagating Dirac plasmon polaritons in topological insulators” is published in the Journal of Optics. Congratulations Yong!

10/6/2020 Christina Li, a CISC undergraduate student, joins the group. Welcome, Christina!

9/23/2020 The Law group collaborated with the Xiao and Doty groups at UD to publish “One-dimensional antilocalization of electrons from spin disorder probed by nonlinear Hall effect” in Physical Review B. Congratulations to all!

9/17/2020 Logan Whitesel, an MSEG undergraduate student, joins the group. Welcome, Logan!

7/21/2020 Vishnu’s article “Fabrication of topological insulator nanostructures” is published in the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B. Congratulations Vish!

6/23/2020 Prof. Law is promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure.

6/17/2020 Yong successfully defends his thesis. Congratulations, Yong!

6/1/2020 Sebastian Miki-Silva and Neel Shah join the group as summer REU students. Welcome, Sebastian and Neel!

4/10/2020 Crystal’s article “Improved epitaxial growth of TbAs film on III–V semiconductors” is published in the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A in collaboration with the Zide group at UD. Congratulations Crystal!

4/9/2020 Crystal wins the MSEG Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award and Patrick wins the UD Dissertation Fellowship. Congratulations to both!

2/7/2020 Tess’ article “Epitaxial growth of Bi2Se3 in the (0015) orientation on GaAs (001)” is published in the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A in collaboration with the Ni group at UD. Congratulations Tess!

1/21/2020 Crystal’s article “Extending the Tunable Plasma Wavelength in III–V Semiconductors from the Mid‐Infrared to the Short‐Wave Infrared by Embedding Self‐Assembled ErAs Nanostructures in GaAs” is published in Advanced Optical Materials in collaboration with the Zide group at UD. Congratulations Crystal!

1/19/2020 Dongxia and Patrick’s article “Enlarged growth window for plasmonic silicon-doped InAs using a bismuth surfactant” is published in Optical Materials Express in collaboration with the Bank group at UT Austin. Congratulations Dongxia and Patrick!

12/01/2019 Md Nazmul Alam and Yongchen Liu, new MSEG graduate students, join the lab. Welcome, Nazmul and Yongchen!

11/08/2019 Dongxia successfully defends her thesis. Congratulations, Dongxia!

8/27/2019 Tess successfully defends her thesis and is the first Ph.D. graduate from the Law lab. Congratulations, Tess!

7/3/2019 Dr. Law wins the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and EngineersUDaily article.

5/23/2019  Tess and Patrick win the first and second place poster awards at the AVS Mid-Atlantic Chapter DC Regional Meeting. Congratulations Tess and Patrick!

5/20/2019  Saadia Nasir, an graduate student in Physics and Astronomy, joins the group. Welcome, Saadia!

3/20/2019  Max Roberts, an undergraduate student in Chemical Engineering, joins the group. Welcome, Max!

2/19/2019 Patrick and Jessica’s article “Far-field thermal emission from a semiconductor hyperbolic metamaterial” is published in Optics Letters. Congratulations Patrick and Jessica!

2/12/2019  Susan Henderson, an undergraduate student in Chemical Engineering, joins the group. Welcome, Susan!

12/01/2018  Vish Mambakkam, a new MSEG graduate student, joins the group. Welcome, Vish!

10/09/2018 Patrick and Dongxia’s article “Simultaneous Large Mode Index and High Quality Factor in Infrared Hyperbolic Metamaterials” is published in ACS Photonics. Congratulations Patrick and Dongxia!

08/31/2018 Dr. Law is part of a collaboration led by UD that received a $1 million award from the National Science Foundation to advance the state of the art in quantum computing.

08/31/2018 Tess, Yong, and Daniel’s article “Dirac plasmons and beyond: the past, present, and future of plasmonics in 3D topological insulators” is published in MRS Communications. Congratulations Tess, Yong, and Daniel!

08/27/2018  Greeshma Chandan joins the group as a new postdoc. Welcome, Greesh!

08/07/2018  Yong’s article “Optical properties of (Bi1-xInx)2Se3 thin films” is published in Optical Materials Express and chosen as an Editor’s Pick.  Congratulations Yong!

05/21/2018 Tess wins a Graduate Fellowship supported by the NASA Delaware Space Grant College and Fellowship Program.  Congratulations, Tess!

04/18/2018  Tess’ article “Coupled Dirac plasmons in topological insulators” is published in Advanced Optical Materials.  Congratulations Tess!

01/30/2018  Yong and Tess’ article “Growth of high-quality Bi2Se3 topological insulators using (Bi1-xInx)2Se3 buffer layers” was published in JVSTB and chosen as an Editor’s Pick.  Congratulations Yong and Tess!

12/01/2017  Zhengtianye (Daniel) Wang, a new MSEG graduate student, joins the group.  Welcome, Daniel!

08/09/2017  Dr. Law wins a Department of Energy Early Career award to pursue research on Dirac plasmons in topological insulators.

06/30/2017  Dongxia and Christian’s article “Volume plasmon polaritons in semiconductor hyperbolic metamaterials” was published in Optical Materials Express.  Congratulations Dongxia, and Christian!

06/05/2017  Hansel Montalvo Castro, an REU student from the University of Puerto Rico, and Nick Radziul, a UD Chemical Engineering student, join the group for the summer.  Welcome, Hansel and Nick!

03/16/2017  Tess is selected to attend “Expanding Horizons: The Ewha-Luce International Seminar” this summer in Korea.  Congratulations, Tess!

02/22/2017  Yong, Tess, and Chiyu’s article “Transport properties of Bi2(Se1−xTex)3 thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy” was published in JVSTB.  Congratulations Yong, Tess, and Chiyu!

01/06/2017  Yong passes his quals!  Congratulations, Yong!

11/23/2016  Tess and Yong’s article “Topological Insulator Film Growth by Molecular Beam Epitaxy: A Review” was published in Crystals.  Congratulations Tess and Yong!

11/14/2016  Tess passes her quals!  Congratulations, Tess!

11/01/2016  Silvia Hertel, an exchange student from Germany, joins the group for three months through the Fraunhofer program.  Welcome, Silvia!

10/01/2016  Patrick Sohr, a new MSEG graduate student, joins the group.  Welcome, Patrick!

09/23/2016  Krysta La Bruna, an undergraduate researcher from Chemical Engineering, joins the group.  Welcome, Krysta!

09/21/2016  Dongxia wins a best student poster award at North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy conference!  Congratulations, Dongxia!

09/21/2016  Prof. Law wins the North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Young Investigator award.

09/07/2016  Dongxia passes her quals!  Congratulations, Dongxia!

08/08/2016  The Law group receives funding from the NSF to pursue research on infrared metamaterials.

05/05/2016  Chiyu wins an research fellowship for summer 2016 from the UD Undergraduate Research Program. Congratulations, Chiyu!

05/02/2016  Christian rejoins the group for summer 2016.  Welcome back Christian!

04/13/2016  Dongxia and Christian’s paper “Single-material semiconductor hyperbolic metamaterials” was published in Optics Express.  Congratulations Dongxia and Christian!

03/11/2016 Tess’ JVSTB paper was on the most-read list for February.  Congratulations, Tess!

02/19/2016 Chiyu Zhang, an undergraduate researcher from Chemistry, joins the group.  Welcome Chiyu!

02/05/2016 Tess’ paper “Growth of Bi2Se3 topological insulator films using a selenium cracker source” was published in JVSTB.  Congratulations, Tess!

01/23/2016  Christian won first place at APS CUWiP for her presentation on her summer research!  Congratulations, Christian!

11/02/2015  Yong Wang, a new MSEG graduate student, joins the group.  Welcome Yong!

10/07/2015  Prof. Law presents research on topological insulator growth at the North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy conference.

06/22/2015  Lisa Gathura joins the group as part of the UD High School Internship Program.  Welcome, Lisa!

05/21/2015  Prof. Law receives a University of Delaware Research Foundation grant to pursue topological insulator research.

05/11/2015  Christian Harris, an undergrad from Lincoln University, joins the group.  Welcome Christian!

04/16/2015  The Veeco GenXplor topological insulator MBE is installed and baking!

03/09/2015  The new Veeco GenXplor topological insulator MBE arrives!

01/01/2015  MSEG graduate students Theresa Ginley and Dongxia Wei join the group.  Welcome Tess and Dongxia!

08/01/2014  Prof. Law joins the MSEG department at UD.