
Greetings, fellow explorers!

My name is Lianna Gardner (she/her), and I’d like to welcome you to my Rhetoric and Civic Life blog.

I am currently a first-year student studying within the College of Engineering at Penn State University, and I am most passionate about exploring the world as much as possible. The way I see it, if our time here on Earth is finite, why spend it in physical and mental/emotional spaces that make us feel anything less than most alive?

And so, in my spare time, you will likely find me in the places that I have found breathe life into my soul: rock walls, ski slopes, nature trails (on bike or on foot), and most assuredly amongst other people. More than anything else, I have discovered that the most fulfilling way to live is to connect with and take in the world around me; hence, the posts on this blog will be categorized into two main groupings: Rhetoric and Civic Life posts (detailing my analysis of various messages we are exposed to in today’s society) and passion posts (wherein I will reflect on various works of art — songs, poems, pictures, ect.–  that have recently opened my eyes to new ideas, situations, or advice).

Ultimately, it is my hope that these posts not only prompt further contemplation, but above all else, that they inspire you to not only go out and explore the world, but to do so with eyes wide open.

Happy travels!
