Real Love Baby- Father John Misty


Real Love Baby by Father John Misty was first released on July 26, 2016, and can be classified as an alternative or indie genre. This song is ranked highest of Misty’s songs on the streaming platform, Spotify, with 155,919,803 listens. There is a specific humbleness and honesty to this song when dealing with love and emotions toward others. In this, he sweetly sings “I’m a flower, you’re the bee; it’s much older than you and me” showing the harmonious relationship between these two whilst comparing it to the feeling of real love.

Best Father John Misty Songs of All Time – Top 10 Tracks | Discotech
Father John Misty           Source:

Now although I do not possess this same desire for real love (yet) as Misty does, this song never fails to lighten my mood. It makes me want to dance in my kitchen with the love of my life, to achieve this “real love” and satisfy my childlike desire to reenact a scene straight from a rom-com. I have not yet experienced real love so I relate to Misty in that aspect. But separate from the lyrics, the existence of this song as a whole is very meaningful to me.

Real Love Baby serves as a constant reminder in my life that everything will be okay. Just like everyone, I have experienced many ups and downs in my life and this just gives me a more abstract idea to focus on: having the “dancing in the kitchen” moment at some point. I have a “glass half full” mindset in the sense that I am always looking on the bright side and focusing on the moments in my life when I am happiest listening to Real Love Baby.

There are specific moments that I can pinpoint exactly when and where I was listening to this song. The most memorable are those where I had that “ah ha” moment when I was on the other side of a rough patch and realized everything was going to be alright. I make sure to take pictures and videos when I have these moments to remind myself that there is so much “good” in life. I have included one of these videos and I would strongly recommend putting it in full-screen mode and just joining me in that moment of absolute serenity where nothing else mattered. On July 3rd, 2022, Real Love Baby played as the sun began setting over the Chester River in Chestertown, MD, as I was surrounded by my closest family and friends. This night was full of many laughs and memories, which all flood back to me when I hear the strums of the guitar and Misty begins to sing “Our hearts are free…”. That night, we were all carefree while watching fireworks and were living the lyrics we had heard, “Let’s forget who we are for one night”, these carefree moments are what I long for. It is songs like Real Love Baby that can help remind me that anything that is of concern or upsetting is temporary and can be resolved surrounded by people you love and some great music.

July 3rd, 2022 with my unofficial sister (left), sister (middle), and dad (right) right before sunset


Real Love Baby is a work of art. To others, it may just serve as just another love song, but Real Love Baby is sitting on a dock at sunset in a state of peace. I know this song will play at my wedding and continue to be tied to such positive memories and moments in my life. I hope everyone can find Real Love Baby at the time they need it most, but until then, let Father John Misty carry you away.

4 thoughts on “Real Love Baby- Father John Misty

  1. I like how you attached various pieces of media to strengthen your blog post – as a reader, I felt more engaged with these, and they served to bolster the points you discussed throughout your writing. Also, as someone who literally has a Spotify playlist called ‘Connection’, I could share your love for songs pertaining to warm emotions and positive memories, despite the fact that we are all still so young and likely do not share the same preferences for ‘true love’ like Father John Misty does. I am listening to this song whilst writing this comment, and I like the calm acoustic guitar (a common feature in many of these peaceful romantic songs), and overall vibes that remind me of the 1970s/1980s for some reason.

  2. I know the exact feeling you describe this song making you feel. I think the carefree and content mentality you described is something we are all chasing, all of the time. At least I know I am. I always enjoy when a song brings me back to a certain place in time, and its cool that this song brings back such a positive memory.

  3. Leah, I love this!

    Listening to this song for the first time while reading your story was a great experience. Your optimistic tone is inspiring. I couldn’t help but smile and giggle to myself while reading this. And you were right. Listening to the song while reading does give the full experience.

    I also associate moments in my life and memories with certain songs. I enjoy listening to these songs for nostalgia. I am reminded of happy memories, struggles, relationships, and even more.

    Thanks for the awesome music recommendation! It has already been added to my playlist. Look forward to hearing more. And I’m interested in seeing your Spotify Wrapped! (Unless you’re an Apple Music user.)

  4. I absolutely love how you related this song to your personal experience. For me, it might not be “Real love baby” by Father John Misty which gets an emotional response out of me, but I have a few of my own songs that make me feel the way you feel when listening to this song. The sunset video is stunning as well, there’s nothing I love more than watching sunsets at the beach.

    I also believe that certain songs can be ruined for you if they’re connected to a bad time in your life. I try not to let that stop me from listening to a song, but sometimes it just makes the song sound way worse than when you first played it.

    This was a fun post to read, and I can’t wait to see what other songs you listen to.

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