Studies show that one of the most neglected steps of the problem-solving process is Step 6: Evaluate and Follow Up. To help alleviate this, I would like you to share with your colleagues ways that your organization effectively implements evaluation and follow-up.
In my past blogs, I have often shared examples of way my organization does NOT do things well regarding OD topics. For this one however, I have a very positive example. I support as a coach a team that focuses on all things Future of Work. Much of their work involved covid and return to office initiatives. This small but mighty team of 3 are exception at problem solving, especially Step 6 – Evaluate and Follow Up. For example, my entire company is fully back in the office and for one very large division, this team lead the way with all the details (desks, moves, events, schedules, etc.) It was a ton of tactical work and involved thousands of employees. This team has regular simple surveys going out on a regular basis to gather the sentiments of the employees and then she does monthly Focus Groups to ensure that what was shared quantitatively is also the qualitative result. She is an excellent communicator, sharing with all the stakeholders and senior leadership team. She is an example for all. These two simple events help her and the division ensure that we are meeting the employees where they are and how we can learn from this difficult event of post-covid.