Most people would quantify both the President of the United States and a corporate CEO as “leaders”. Politicians, for the most part are a necessary evil. We need them to provide leadership and guidance, determine and set policy, and make the various parts of our government run. We need them to do what they say and say what they mean, unfortunately but the opposite happens. Rarely does a politician make a campaign promise that is enacted, although sometimes it is not for a lack of trying. Political leadership is a beast unto itself and has a set of challenges unique to public office because there is a formalized balance of power. In other words, the President is not able to do a whole lot without the other two branches of the federal government agreeing. On the other hand, a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is hired to run a company and make decisions with the reasonable expectation that implementation will occur or people will be fired. Being an election year, the public is bombarded with news and advertisements regarding the candidates. Both men are leaders, but only one candidate has corporate leadership experience. Is this type of leadership necessary? Helpful? Harmful? This year’s election poses a very interesting question: do successful business leaders make successful political leaders?
Both jobs require traits that are consistently identified with leadership potential, but the individual is paramount to the actual process of attaining a leadership role in either the private or public sector (Kirkpatrick, S.A. and Locke, E.A. 1991. pp. 58-59). A person that doesn’t have leadership-oriented traits is not going to make a successful leader, however, just having those traits does not mean that individual will become a CEO or the President of the United States. The leadership traits provide an aptitude for acquiring skills or knowledge that are necessary to attain leadership positions at a high level. People that are clearly leaders in one situation do not necessarily translate into leaders in a different situation (Redmond, 2012).
Both candidates encompass the five traits including: intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability to be successful (Northouse, P. 2013. p. 23). It would also be fair to assume that both Romney and Obama have different areas of strengths and weaknesses if they were given a Leadership Trait Questionnaire, but would Romney’s areas of weaknesses be bolstered by his additional business acumen and conversely, would Obama’s weaknesses undermine his ability to lead? Both candidates are highly intelligent and self-confident. In rating the five traits, I would identify sociability as one of Obama’s greatest strengths, as he has superb social skills and is extremely articulate. On the other hand, I define integrity as one of his weaknesses because he has had difficulty taking ownership of his actions on a consistent basis (Northouse, P. 2013. p.25). This is evidenced by the continual blaming of former President George W. Bush years after Obama’s own policies failed to have a positive economic impact. As for Romney, I would consider determination to be one of his greatest strengths because his approach is more proactive and he is not prone to quitting. Sociability is definitely his area of weakness, and may ultimately cause him to lose the race. While Romney appears to be friendly, cheerful and outgoing, he has been criticized for failing to connect with people that are not in his social class, and in some instances alienating them. When asked about income equality on the Today Show, which aired January 11, 2012, Romney stated, “You know, I think it’s about envy. I think it’s about class warfare” (Sargent, G. 2012). Instead of trying to help close the discussion of class warfare, he perpetuated it and answered the question in a very non-politically correct way.
In business, a CEO does not need to worry about hurting feelings or being politically correct at all times as long as the company is producing favorable results, whereas, in politics, a gaffe can kill a career. Political experience seems to be an important step between the private and public sector. No President has ever made the transition from the private sector directly into the office of the President of the United States (Mataconis, D. 2012). While this does not appear to be earth-shattering news, it is a rather important detail to consider when deciding if business experience will enhance a President’s leadership ability. All former Presidents have had some sort of governmental experience prior to being elected, including the two candidates that are running in the 2012 election. That is important fact because political skills are important to navigating Washington D.C. and having success a President. Barack Obama was a senator prior to being elected as the 44th President of the United States. Mitt Romney was the Governor of Massachusetts after being the CEO of Bain Capital.
Every President has held political office or had public sector experience in some way prior to getting elected. This demonstrates that it would be more difficult to get elected President without any political knowledge, than to be elected President with business experience. Several former Presidents have had a business background in addition to political experience before getting elected, but that does not mean that they performed any better or worse than those without (Mataconis, 2012). Performance is dictated by the individual’s strengths and weaknesses of leadership traits, skills, and experiences. Romney wants voters to believe this business acumen gives him a unique understanding of economic change that needs to occur in America, but will voters buy it? I guess we will find out on November 6, 2012.
Kirkpatrick, S.A. and Locke, E.A. (1991). Leadership: do traits matter? The Executive, 5.
Northouse, P.G., (2013). Leadership: theory and practice sixth ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Mataconis, D. (2012). Do businessmen make good Presidents? Retrieved from
Redmond, Brian (2012). Lesson 1: Introduction to Leadership. Retrieved from Penn State World Campus Psych 485: Leadership in Work Settings website
Sargent, G. (2012). Romney: questions about inequality and Wall Street driven by envy. The Washington Post. Retrieved from
I think some of what is missing from this frequently used question is the situation. We’re not comparing apples to apples to compare and contrast a CEO in a business setting and a president in a political setting. While we haven’t explored the topic of the situation in great depth yet, it stands to reason that there are different audiences, goals, pressure, etc. related to a CEO versus a president.
Not only that, but the question arises – is a CEO a leader simply by title, or would a CEO be more comparable to a manager. In which case, our textbook explores the differences between leader and manager. Where a leader “means to influence others and create visions for change” (Northouse, 2013), a manager “means to accomplish activities and master routines.” (Northouse, 2013). In that instance, I would relate a CEO to manager. Regardless, I think it’s fair to say that a CEO might not make a good president, and the reverse also holds true – a president may not make a good CEO.
I see that a great number of people are having this very same conversation –although with much less focus on science and validity than you’ve presented it with–, and I’m wondering if it’s the right conversation to be having. Specifically, I have to wonder if we’re asking the right questions. Do CEOs make good presidents? How would we know? We could ask the question, do mediocre students or people who never attended college make good presidents? If we take that question as valid, data from a Gallup poll asking who was the greatest U.S. President (Newport, 2011) and information regarding the college education experiences of those on the list that resulted suggests that they do (Kane, 2009; Whitney & Whitney, 2009; Wikipedia, n.d.). Based on biographical information about each of the presidents listed (17), nearly half of those that Americans consider the Greatest U.S. President in history were either mediocre college students (Reagan, G.W. Bush, Eisenhower, F.D. Roosevelt) or did not attend or graduate from college at all (Lincoln, Washington, Truman and Andrew Jackson). The rest of the list members were either adequate students such as Lyndon Johnson or exceptional students such as Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton.
Given how variable the experiences during a presidency can be and the strong pull that political bias may have in terms of determining who exactly in our history was a good president (Newport, 2011), I don’t know that we can objectively arrive at a solid answer. Determining who a good CEO might be seems a lot easier. First, even though there are a number of popular CEOs like Steve Jobs that average people are likely to know and like based on a high profile public image and cult-like following, the majority of CEOs are unknown and faceless, making an objective assessment of the success of their time as CEO a bit easier. Second, the sample size is much larger –there are 44 US presidents in history as opposed to likely tens of thousands of CEOs– and third, the criteria for measuring the success of a CEO should be a bit less fuzzy because they more often than not face smaller, less fuzzy problems that he or she can directly influence. The President of the United States face huge, complex issues that he may not be able to directly influence or have any control over (and not to mention, a President usually requires the cooperation of Congress in order to get any legislative agenda moving). It’s a lot easier to qualify whether or not a CEO’s decisions produce profit for a company and to quantify by how much than it is to determine a U.S. President’s impact on the economy as a whole. A CEO’s job is to increase profits and grow a company; it’s very difficult to nail down any real measure of what a U.S. President’s job is or should be and how exactly to even quantify it.
As a final food for thought, I’ll come full circle back to your question as to whether or not a CEO makes a good U.S. President and once again ask, how can we know? I honestly don’t think we can arrive at an objective answer. Even if Romney or anyone else with experience that was primarily as a CEO in the private sector were elected and did a wonderful job, endearing him or her to millions of U.S. Citizens and emblazoning his or her name up there on the list with Reagan, Clinton, Jackson and Lincoln and so on, we’d still really only have a sample size of 1, which does not allow us to make any sort of conclusion one way or the other.
Kane, J. N. (2009). Facts about the presidents. (8 ed.). Bronx, NY: The H.W.Wilson Company.
Newport, F. (2011, February 18). Retrieved from
Whitney, D., & Whitney, R. (2009). The american presidents, biographies of the chief executives from george washington to barack obama. (11th ed.). New York: Readers Digest.
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from