The psychodynamic approach to leadership can be viewed as similar to the trait approach. Both are dependent on the individual leader. The trait approach looks at the characteristics that make a person a good leader. The psychodynamic approach on the other hand relies on the personalities of individuals and what types of situations are best suited based on this information (Northouse 2013). As a leader within my department, I am curious about what my personality says about me and where I fit in based on this information.
One way to determine personality is through a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The Myers-Briggs test is based on the four dimensions established by Carl Jung. The four dimensions each have pairs of polar opposites in which a person can be classified under.
The following website gives a great explanation of each pair of dimensions.
So I have decided to take the test and see how I do.
This is the link of the test that I did. Below are my results.
Your Quiz Results:
Top of Form
Test 1: You are an Introvert (I).
Test 2: You are an Intuitive (N).
Test 3: You are a Thinker (T).
Test 4: You are a Perceiver (P).
Your Myers-Briggs personality type is < I N T P >: “The Free Thinker”.
INTP’s are ingenious, non-conforming, free thinkers.
Bottom of Form
Famous and Fictional INTP’s include:
After looking over my results, I am not sure I totally agree. The strengths I can see in myself. The weaknesses are less than appropriate to me. I do not feel that I am pessimistic; as a matter of fact at my job I am one of the only people who feel it is a great place to work. I may be absent minded at moments but never forgetful. I also know myself well enough that I do not get disorganized as a matter of fact I am over organized at times.
It seems that I am suited to analyze situations and come up with resolutions after all the information has been presented. I enjoy problem solving and understanding how things work. So give me complex problems, the abnormal situation to deal with, or even just a group or situation to watch and figure out. And for me I think all of this is very true.
Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: theory and practice. (6th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications, Inc.