The Boy Scouts of America is an organization that I have been involved with my entire life. Even with the cover ups in Oregon, and many other lawsuits, I still believe that the tens of thousands of youth who have been positively impacted by this organization is something that we can’t look past. The question behind these successful youth turned adults then becomes, “Who is behind it all?” To answer that, we need not look at the current CEO of Boy Scouts of America, Mr. Wayne Brock, or even the Scout Executive of my local council in the Philadelphia area, Mr. Thomas Harrington. The answer lies in the adult volunteers that run each Boy Scout and Cub Scout unit throughout the nation. From my personal experience, I can say that the majority of adult volunteers in the scouting program are servant leaders, holding the ten characteristics of servant leaders described Northouse (2013). It is my belief that the scouting program is run by the idea of servant leadership.
- Listening
- Empathy
- Healing
- Awareness
- Persuasion
- Conceptualization
- Foresight
- Stewardship
- Commitment to the growth of people
- Building community
- Trustworthy
- Loyal
- Helpful
- Friendly
- Courteous
- Kind
- Obedient
- Cheerful
- Thrifty
- Brave
- Clean
- Reverent
Northouse, P.G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Bringing up the Boy Scouts is a great example of Servant Leadership. I as well spent some time as a child in the organization. It does well for a number of reasons. The adults and volunteers that help the scouts typically do not have a an agenda accept to promote the well being of the scouts. This is the underlying message of servant leadership. It is to guide the followers to be productive and the best that they can be.