Warriors take on many different forms, and is a term not usually used to describe a person unless they are in some sort of battle, or competition, and have a relentless drive for success. A few years ago, the military servicemen in battle was this generation warriors, facing a 360 degree enemy in their home turf. Because these servicemen come from all around our nation and have different cultures, and upbringings, I believe they are a great subject to explore psychodynamic theory.
I’ve had the opportunity to travel to oversees location and fight along side our servicemen. I remember many friends, and our interactions during somber deployments. It is during this times that one is able to truly see a person for who they are as there is not much distractions in a place like that, or any reason for one to try and save face, or pretend to be someone they are not.
Background, and family of origin are clearly noticeable during this time, because members are in barracks 24/7. One will be able to see any hygiene, religious, physical, or cultural habits one may have. For example, I got to observe many members wake up at 0400 in the morning and go for a job, gym, pray or just drink coffee hour prior to work. One is able to understand member’s behaviors better because of their backgrounds. For example, one can see why a member is so energetic in the morning, or understand someone’s calm personality if you seen him pray for hours early in the morning. Backgrounds, and family of origin are a good way to better understand an individual by seeing their overall behaviors.
Maturity of an individual is easily exposed in dangerous situations or situation that are abnormal. Because of the nature of the mission members sometimes have weird sleeping, eating or living arrangements that may make it uncomfortable for one. Maturity is clearly exposed in such situations.
Repression and Shadow self become even harder to notice in high stress environments, where high mental strength and resiliency are needed. Members will do their best to avoid giving the impression of weakness, and may never notice their mood changes because of the high stress environment they live in.
Finally, archetypes prevalent in deployed locations as everyone has an image or vision of what a good servicemen is suppose to be. Never tired, willing to do anything necessary to accomplish the mission and ever ready and alert. The warrior ethos is embedded all service member that deploy and those back at home. It is this quality that allow them to return home safe, and the same qualities that allow them to fight and keep us save.