The Newton’s law of motion explains that physical law has a relationship with all mechanical actions. In essence all energy of force and motion will have an equal and reverse energy of force and motion. The same can be said for interpersonal communication to include leadership. As a leader one is face with many follower and situations that may vary greatly. It is important to note that there are proper way to handle this situations, and followers. Just as Newton’s law a leader must understand that the proper effect needs to be countered in order to have the right results.
The situation approach is a leadership theory that focuses on the required behavior that a leader needs to provide in certain situation involving follower or situation. The theory divides the responses into directive and supportive behavior. “The theory says that different situations require different kinds of leadership. To be effective, a leader must change his/her style to fit the demands of different situations. The theory stresses that situational leadership is composed of both a directive and a supportive dimension, ” (PSU WC, 2016, L. 10). By examining both directive and supportive behaviors
The directing style is typically needed for individuals who show lower levels of competence but high levels of commitment. This leader will typically tell you how to do something and then supervise you closely in the process (Northouse, 2016). A directive style is needed when a person is unable to complete a task but has the motivation to do so. In this case a directive approach will help the member comprehend and move forward as he or she already have the motivation to do so.
A supportive leader is the person who will be more conversational about the desired organizational outcome. They will ask their subordinates for input on how to best accomplish the goals of the organization while being encouraging of the process and promoting relationships among coworkers (Northouse 2016) This style is needed when a member knows how to complete a task but he or she are not motivated to do so. In this case a coach like approach would help the member find the motivation needed to move forward.
The situation approach is similar to Newton’s law since both require a certain reaction to the action a situation. Leaders need to understand when to use the directive and supportive style. Both style are needed in different situations. Directive approach is needed when a member is motivated but requires the know how, on the other hand the supportive approach is useful when a member has the skills but is not motivated. Both actions require a specific reaction, understanding the necessary behaviors will improve ones leadership skills and comply with Newton’s law.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Pennsylvania State University World Campus. (2016). PSYCH 485 Lesson 10: Transformational leadership. Retrieved June 23, 2016 from
Porsche A. Hurley says
I think in any organization that it is important to know the pulse of your people. Starting a new division will allow you to start from scratch to be able to connect more with your team. While your team member may be feeling various different ways about past leadership, authentic leadership can bring people that you may have relationship back into the fold. That is, people that may have felt slighted by a leader in years past, can see a more intimate side of a leader with the interpersonal qualities that authentic leadership can bring.
When, I was in the military the commander that I had was very cold, rigid and didn’t have much of a relationship with his followers. Many of the airman could not wait for him to leave because morale was low and people felt like they could not count on him to be sensitive to their feelings about various topics. When we had our change in leadership, many of the airman began to feel a sense of belonging. The new commander was very hands on and he even invited us over to his house.
Likewise in the same manner, your newly developed team needs to feel that you have “a strong honest relationship” with them. (PSU WC, 2016, L. 12, p. 5) Intrapersonal quality, followers are able to see the true side of a leader. Seeing the raw side of a person allows the follower to feel more of a connection with them, even though it may be virtual. Additionally, since the people in the group you formed already you leadership style, it may be best to build that. According to George (2003), he suggests that we not think of “components of a wheel as complete or broken, but a continuum. That is, even though the leadership may have caused some problems between themselves and their followers, we can approach the situation as a progressive process into the future.
Lastly, the five dimensions of an authentic leadership approach include qualities that people can actually see a leader demonstrating. These qualities include, purpose, values, relationships, self-discipline and heart” (PSU WC, 2016, L. 12 p. 5). In all of these qualities, followers are able to see a sincere side of the leader. While you said that your “relationship is not deep or significant but it does exist”, you can still turn the tables around and make them feel that you care by showing them you are human, and they can trust you.
George. B. (2003). Authentic leadership: Rediscovering the secrets to creating lasting value. Dan Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Pennsylvania State University World Campus. (2016). PSYCH 485 Lesson 12: Authentic leadership. Retrieved June 27, 2016 from