In this week’s lesson, we looked at transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership. Transformational leadership focuses on the leader as the follower’s source of inspiration to exceed expectations (Northouse, 2016). They have a charming personality and magnetism that draws followers to them, and they provide encouragement and support that inspires followers to want to meet their goals (Northouse, 2016).
There are four main factors of transformational leadership. One is idealized influence or charisma, which describes leaders who are charming, and who have a compelling presence and an allure that attracts followers to want to be like them and help them achieve their goals (Northouse, 2016). Another factor is inspirational motivation, which describes how leaders incentivize followers to participate in the achievement of their vision by convincing them their input is vital and irreplaceable (Northouse, 2016). An additional factor is intellectual stimulation which describes how leaders incentivize followers by challenging them to think outside the box, encouraging creative expression and supporting them in all their endeavors to meet team goals (Northouse, 2016). The final factor is individualized consideration, which describes leaders who are attentive to followers needs, who are sympathetic, and who provide an understanding atmosphere to them (Northouse, 2016).
Transactional leadership, in contrast focuses strictly on the interchange between leaders and followers, specifically what is the benefit to each party to complete the goal (Northouse, 2016).
There are two factors of transactional leadership. One factor is contingent reward, which means that the leader requests a task be completed, and a predetermined reward is given to followers upon completion of that task (Northouse, 2016). The other factor is management by exception which involves the leader only giving feedback, in a negative manner, as a corrective measure (Northouse, 2016). Management by exception can take the form of the leader closely observing followers and providing negative feedback when they make mistakes, or generally ignoring them until they make a mistake and only then providing negative feedback (Northouse, 2016).
Laissez-faire Leadership describes a complete lack of leadership, where followers have virtually no contact with, or support provided by the leader (Northouse, 2016).
I haven’t had any experience with transformational leaders at any of the jobs where I have worked, I have mostly experienced transactional leaders. I think this is due to my direct managers being more middle management as opposed to upper management. Middle managers have to report to someone else, so they are on the hook to their boss for their employees’ performance. I think this scenario breeds a transactional leadership style because it is an easy rut to fall into. As the manager, all you have to do is provide an employee a desired incentive to complete a task, like a monetary bonus, and combine it with a threat of corrective action for failure to perform, like a negative review in their file. This process absolves you of any failure by your employees to meet company goals because you are following the company’s guidelines for dealing with employee behaviors. Transformational leadership on the other hand is much more difficult to achieve, especially if you are not an outgoing or charismatic person, because it involves much more involvement and interaction with your employees.
I did have a laissez-faire manager at one of my previous jobs. I worked nightshift at an auto parts warehouse, and the plant manager worked dayshift. I was hired during a job fair and spoke to someone from the HR department, so I didn’t meet the manager at that time. My shift was 11p-7a and his shift was 9a-5p. He never stayed late, or came in early, so in the 6 years that I worked there, we never crossed paths. I finally met him on the day that I was called into a plant-wide mandatory meeting on dayshift where they informed us that the warehouse was being closed.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and Practice, 7th Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Reference for above comment:
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and Practice, 7th Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Shawnee, you mention that you have not encountered any transformational leaders, mostly just transactional leaders at your job. When I start to think about all of the supervisors and managers I have had at my current job working for the state, I realize that I have had an experience with a transformational leader either.
Northouse point out that transformational leaders create a connection with their followers that raises morality levels and motivation levels (2016, p. 162). I honestly can’t recall any of my supervisors inspiring me to reach the next level or rise to my full potential.
It may be the nature of my “industry.” In my particular government job, the work we must accomplish is clearly defined. There isn’t much wiggle room for anyone to have much of a vision of their own or be able to stimulate creativity in followers.
While we do have supervisors that display some elements and characteristics of a transformational leader – supervisors who are charismatic (dominant, self confident, etc) and supervisors who are supportive and attempt to attend to followers’ needs; there really isn’t much they can do to actually affect outcomes using these behaviors and skills.
It is almost like the only options in my office are being a Transactional or Laissez-Faire leader. The transactional leader becomes almost irrelevant as well, as there isn’t much a supervisor can actually do in our position to offer rewards or incentives. All of our raises, etc, are negotiated by our union, and really supervisors don’t have much control over anything like that.
I suppose I have had supervisors that practice management by exception, in the active way – they have offered me constructive criticism and warned me when I was making mistakes as they were happening (Northouse, 2016). And I of course have had Laissez-Faire leaders in this line of work, too, because after all there really isn’t much they need to do sometimes since the work and goals are already laid out.
This course has really made me think about how different my work life might be if I worked somewhere else – where having a Transformational leader is even a possibility.
Hi Shawnee!
I really enjoyed reading your blog post. Great leaders are hard to come by. I too have worked under managers with laissez-faire styles and it is very frustrating. I have always wondered how they were able to keep their jobs when they weren’t doing anything productive. Not only were they lazy but their behaviors influenced their employees. You could sense the tension between those who were friends with managers and those who wanted to do a good job. The transformational leadership approach is very important. Leadership requires the ability to identify problems, inspire others and achieve goals.
Good job!