According to Northouse, the path-goal theory is based on leaders motiving followers accomplishing their set goals. (Northouse, 2016) In order for a leader to fully motivate their followers, they need to be knowledgeable of all the methods that will result in motivating the follower.
House and Mitchell (1974) believe that if a leader is successful in motivating their followers, the results would end up being very rewarding. Not only does the leader motivate followers but they will also help the follower steer around anything that might prevent them from being successful. The leader will help a follower stay on a path and go around something that might be blocking their path to success. (Northouse, 2016)
My company has what is known as Career Development. Everyone in the company needs to have goals in place. It is the managers (leader) job requirement to make sure all their direct reports are following their career path. Most goals are related to their job, but everyone can create goals that are geared towards a different career choice within the company. For example, I am looking to further my career within my company. I am looking for a position that is not in my department. To get to where I want to be, it is my managers role to guide me to the career of my choice even though it’s not with her.
My manager role helping me on my career path outside of my current department would be considered supportive leadership. Supportive leadership is when a leader has the best interest of the follower in mind. The leader will go above and beyond to ensure the follow is pleased. Supportive leaders will work side by side with a follower. (Northouse, 2016)
Every six months my manager and I have a sit-down meeting and all we discuss is my career development. My manager will ask me where I’m at with my development and where I want to be. She will then motivate me to takes steps to get to the position that I am desiring. She will let me know what I need to get to my goal, as well as give me goal ideas.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership. Los Angeles: Sage.