The skills approach to leadership focuses on the belief that certain abilities, knowledge and skills that can be learned or developed. Leadership includes many different skills that an individual can not only always possess but also can be taught since they all play a part in being a leader. Obtaining the information from PSUWC (2020), when it comes to skills approach models there are three main skills needed for leadership which are technical, human and conceptual.
Leaders are not always going to use same approach all the time in all situations, but it is understood that different types of leaders use these different skills to accomplish their goals. The three skills technical, human and conceptual skills are important to all leaders, but Katz thought that the importance would change based on a leader’s position in the organization (PSUWC, 2020).
Leaders should always focus on the bigger picture including having the acquired stills and knowledge to use for problem solving and at the end, achieving a goal. Leaders are not only considered mentors but also influential people since they help others by their past experiences and knowledge they carry. “Career experiences are instances that occur during a person’s career trajectory that help shape their individual attributes and competences” (PSUWC, 2020).
The skills are part of leadership theory that identifies what is it that really makes up a good leader including being able to identify their role in the organization. I am sure many of us ask the question, are leaders born leaders or they go through series of tests to obtain that title? Northouse has concluded that it is important for leaders to have all three skills but depending on where they are in the management structure, some skills are more important than others (Northouse, 2016). A leader is always going through different types of learning to ensure they have what it takes to help transform others around them through their possessed qualities and experiences.
Let’s face it, leaders mind is probably filled with many different subjects and focus including planning, providing support, strategies for success and how can their creative ideas help others become successful. “One of the major benefits in the skills theory is that anyone can become a leader through the set of skills and developmental stages in an organization. A leader is a role model, a person that can be accountable, reliable, honest and loyal to the organization and those employed there” (Oakleaf & Baez, n.d.).
When it comes to mostly all the organizations, they want to ensure their employees especially in the management positions, are using their relationship to help advance others to the next level but also if needed the organization is able to help them with both basic and complex training around what leadership and should look like. The skills approach focuses on knowledge and the abilities that are required for leaders to be effective which both can be learned and developed (Northouse, 2016).
The three identified skills that Katz (1955) has identified states that leaders should possess but each of those skills do help with identifying different potential and provides certain abilities on how to approach them. Some important conceptual skills involve strategic thinking, creativity, decision-making and problem-solving, something that a leader should know how to proceed in any given situations (Future Learn, n.d).
Future Learn. (n.d.). Skills approach – Leadership Theory: The Basics. Retrieved February 8, 2020, from
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Oakleaf, L., & Baez, M. (n.d.). Organization and Administration in Recreation, Sport and Leisure Management. Retrieved February 8, 2020, from
The Pennsylvania State University (2020). Leadership in Work. PSYCH 485. Lesson 4: Skills Approach. Retrieved from
It’s such a relief that leadership skills can be taught, as it helps to “level the playing field” within organisations. We have all met, and often envied, those natural leaders that seem always willing and able to make decisions that are well received by others. The majority of us are not those type of leaders, as we often struggle with insecurities and the confidence to make decisions. While some skills are easier to learn than others, most can be developed over time. I have always found that the most dynamic leaders were technically strong and good with details, while also able to maintain a firm understanding of the overall strategic plan. Like leadership theory being a process, the skills approach is a process between human, technical, and conceptual skills (Northouse, 2016). A leader who is overly focused on human skills may not make good business decisions, thus hindering the growth of the company. Likewise, if a leader is focused only on the technical skills, they will not be focused on their team, which could result in high attrition. If a leader is all conceptual, they could spend too much time making plans, leaving out a clear way to execute those plans.
Balance is often difficult to maintain, but through skills training, one can achieve over time. I took Northouse’s skills assessment and scored higher in human and conceptual skills over technical skills. While I know I don’t enjoy the technical side of most things, I now know where my weakness lies and where I am in need of more development. Quite often, we are weaker in one area over another because it doesn’t come easily to us, however, it’s when we can put ourselves outside of our comfort zones that we see the most growth.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc.