Ethics are absent or at least questionable in many businesses today. I feel the lack of ethics is also what caused our last great recession in 2008. The fault was not just on the banks, but also our government leaders by allowing sub-prime mortgage lending to individuals who really could not afford the amount they were financing their homes for. The theory was that everyone should be able to own a home and creative sub prime lending enabled it. Truth be told, the banks and most likely the government knew they could not keep pace with increasing variable interest rates. This collapse of ethical behavior in lending had disastrous results. “More specific to the long-term viability of the financial industry, namely, the disappearance of any sense of fiduciary responsibility to the ultimate client.1 Integrity and a sense of responsibility to the industry’s customers are at the core of what a financial industry must be all about; otherwise, it’s just a big Ponzi scheme.” (Curtis,2008)
It only would have taken one person in the right position to step up and have the courage to say these loans were a bad idea. It was great that so many people had a chance to buy a home, but the fine print needed to be enlarged and highlighted before the sale so people knew what they would eventually be on the hook for. There was no oversight on the financial institutions in this case and it shows. Their main goal was to “sell mortgage loans to people who couldn’t afford them. Screaming ads were created to dupe people into applying for these mortgages, and new, highly misleading mortgage products were developed (teaser rates, Alt-A, etc.) to ramp up volume. Mortgage brokers were paid big fees to lure a steady stream of suckers into the scheme. There was a time when this would have been seen for what it was: predatory lending.” (Curtis, 2008)
Mission complete. Banks like Countrywide took advantage of people and in the process almost ruined our economy. Personally, until this crisis I never realized how much was associated with the real estate market, but it literally affected every market in our economy. I absolutely agree that this was nothing more than a massive Ponzi Scheme and hopefully with more oversight will never be repeated.
Curtis, G, 2008, White Paper No. 44 – The Financial Crisis and the Collapse of Ethical Behavior, retrieved from