I’d like to use my final blog post of the semester to thank you all. Through my blogs, in which I typically babble on and on about NOT wanting to be the leader, a number of you have pointed out that I have displayed a number of qualities of a competent leader. And I’d like you to know that I’ve real all your comments and thought on them, considerably. I wanted to think about it objectively and see if that was true. Here’s what I’ve come up with.
Someone suggested that the fact that I am a nurse, in itself, suggests leadership abilities. I hadn’t considered that, but on some level, I have to agree. The clients I care for and their families look to me for advice. In their homes, I am the person whom they expect to have the answers. I am the one whose advice they take when they don’t know what’s going on. In that way, I am regularly influential, changing their attitudes and behaviors with my words and knowledge. When I am working in a client’s home, I am seen as a source of expert power, which relates to the amount of knowledge one possesses in relation to other members of the group, (Redmond, 2016). My clients are children, and if there’s anything I know, it’s pediatrics. My clients have have to rely on my knowledge.
I’ve also identified with servant leadership. Northouse (2016) discusses characteristics of a servant leader, including listening, empathy, healing, awareness, and commitment to growth of people, to name a few. I mean, do I even need to discuss how much this describes the nursing profession, in general? Those five characteristics are essentially my every-day job description.
I could go on and on about all the eye-openers I’ve been given through this blog. Oh, I almost forgot the interesting turn of events. I received an email from my employer, as I do every year at this time, about enrichment courses they offer to their field employees. The topics always vary, and I’ve never gone to any of them. Oddly enough, (perhaps fate is intervening?) the course they are offering next month is about effective leadership skills while working as a field employee. So, I decided to go ahead and sign up for the course. I figure I have a jump start since I’ve taken this course, and I have the motivation since a number of you have encouraged me to think about my leadership status.
Thanks to all of you for opening my eyes, and for motivating me to check out the leadership course offered by my employer. Also, thanks for a great year, and good luck in all you do!
[clip art]. (2011, May 17). Retrieved from http://benditaentropia.tumblr.com/post/5578784168/don-t-follow-me-i-haven-t-got-a-clue
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed., pp. 195-223). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Redmond, B. (2016). Lesson 7: Power and influence [Online lesson]. Retrieved from https://courses.worldcampus.psu.edu/sp16/psych485/002/content/07_lesson/01_page.html