Justin Sardis
Psych 485
August 4th, 2015
Leadership & Diversity Blog Post
In most industries, the vast majority of leadership positions are held by men. Throughout history, women have done much to express this issue, but it has definitely taken quite some time for them to become leaders. Even though women have made some progress in attaining leadership roles, there is still a very large gap between the number of men who are C-level executives and the number of women who are C-level executives. For example, there have been 43 presidents of the United States, which were all men. Hilary Clinton has ran and is currently in the running to become the first female president of the United States. Another issue with diversity in regards to the previous United States presidents is that we didn’t have a president of a different race for 220 years, which changed when Barack Obama became the president of the United States in 2009. Therefore, even though a lack of diversity has been present for quite some time, our society today has given this issue much more attention than the amount of attention people paid to this subject years ago.
Gutworth has presented that there are numerous issues that occur due to
inconsiderate behaviors many people have toward those of a different gender, race or
ethnic background, such as viewing people of another race, gender, or ethnic background
as less knowledgeable or less credible as them self or as someone of their gender, race or
ethnicity (Gutworth, 2015). Therefore, this may have been a reason why many people
didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton when she first ran for president since some of them
probably thought that since she’s a woman, she wouldn’t have been able to run our
country. Another discriminative belief that people who didn’t vote for her may have came
up with is that they may have seen her as a liability because she is a woman and that they
would feel more comfortable if a man was their president. Another credible source that
has expressed a concern with people who view those of a different gender, race or ethnic
background as unequal is when Peter Northouse stated that some people live by
ethnocentrism and they are prejudice to others because they aren’t the same gender, race
or ethnicity as them (Northouse, 2013, p. 420).
It is very unfortunate, but there are definitely people out there who didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman and there are some people who didn’t vote for Obama because of the color of his skin, whether those particular people are willing to admit it or not. I totally disagree with that reasoning, but some people are both racist and sexist to this day, which needs to come to an end immediately. The lack of diversity has been an ongoing issue in various industries worldwide and in order for the amount of diversity to rise to a reasonable extent, egocentrism needs to stop completely and people can no longer be prejudice towards those of other genders, races, and ethnicities, which is going to be very difficult to do. In summary, the lack of diversity is less of an issue today than it has been more many years, but there is still much to be done to lessen the gap between the amount of male leaders there are and female leaders there are, in addition to increasing the amount of diverse leaders. Even though problems will likely arise in the process of making our society more diverse, the benefits will be recognized in doing so and people will realize that they won’t regret it.
1. Gutworth, M., (2015), PSYCH 485: Leadership in Work Settings, Penn State Angel, Retrieved from:
2. Northouse, P. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage