Transforming someone while being the head of a company or school is not an easy task. Has anyone ever thought of how hard it is being a Transformational leader? I have always asked myself how they do it. I have viewed my great teachers as incredible leaders because it is somewhat of a double duty Job! I always have thought that the sacrifice one puts in at the begging as far as time and money, will always come back. Scientifically Transformational Leadership could explain my thought.
Burns describes leadership as different from power because it is inseparable from followers needs. (Northouse, 2016, pg,162) Therefore, my thought that you need to be conscious of the people around you and that trying to make it alone takes the task of having fellow ship away, but having the trust of followers makes a leaders work even harder for a result that at the end is profitable in many ways. I believe that a leader in a business situation for example is already burdened by meetings, calls and organization. To have to take “care” of the people around you along with the daily job requirements makes the job a lot harder. As Northouse (2016) points out transformational leadership is the process whereby a person engages with others and creates a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower. (ch.8)
For a business leader to be have the capability and brains to get the job done and have a strong followership as well, is do to the fact they transcend their own interest for the sake of others. This type of leadership makes so that the business or situation in question has the characteristic of taking care of the welfare of their employees. Therefore, the common goal or good is being achieved. Of -course to be able to achieve this type of fellowship and consequent leadership, may seem easy but to do it takes a gifted person. House suggested that charismatic leaders act in unique ways that have a specific charismatic effect. (Northouse, 2016, pg.164) As I said before, the simple thought of someone who can succeed in their business because they teach others while completing work related tasks is incredible. Not only these special leaders are intelligent enough to have an economic orientation, but they also are socialized leaders. (Northouse, 2016, pg.163) This is well described in Northouse (2016), a charismatic leader as high expectations in followers and they exhibit confidence in follower’s abilities to meet these expectations. This in turn improves their performance. (pg.164)
Of course as all great leaders come across ways to transform their followers to better serve their ultimate goal, they always have to be careful not to create a vision that is too big where they give the impression that they are acting independently of followers and putting themselves above the followers’ need. (Northouse,2016, pg. 179) This criticism, has been raised in Northouse (2016) concerning Transformational leaders. In my own career experience, I have felt left out of the project and not useful to the common cause or less important or capable. In that specific instance I was not stimulated at all, after a short time I did not feel like learning and to my own surprise I was literally sitting on my job position. It is a very fine line and much trust is needed in order to make followers know that what is being done is for the greater good, so no doubt arises. To this extent Transformational leadership suffers from “heroic” term bias and can be used counterproductively. (Northouse, 2016, pg.190)
Despite the heroic bias weakness, Transformational Leadership has been credited as a valuable approach. (Northouse, 2016, pg.190) To have a powerful position and not have a strong followership is sometimes not the best way to go about business. Therefore, I believe that someone who leads and transforms, making people believe in the goal of the purpose and in themselves, is someone who undoubtedly demonstrates to be an incredible human. Companies or school situations that I have been in, where I have had a charismatic leader who could transform me and others by influence, intellectual stimulation and consideration has reached the greatest outcome possible for others and his/herself. A business or situation that has the strength of many followers sustaining it has proven great success.
Transformational Leadership’s popularity, in my experiences, fits is the context of being included. Intrinsic motivation and follower development fits always more in the needs of today’s work groups. (nothouse,2016,pg.161) This is why I think that a leader that is business smart or scholar smart and that also is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards and long term goals like a Transformational Leader (Northouse, 2016. Pg.161) is incredible. Long terms goals are the sacrifice one puts at the beginning of a quest and that finds it richness at the end! Who demonstrates these qualities puts more work in at the begging and finds they have built strong roots at the end?
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: theory and practice (7th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc