To have Real Power or to Know Power is Real
Power is a word with a strong meaning, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as possession of control, authority, influence over others. The Oxford dictionary defines it as the ability or capability to do something or act in a particular way, the capability or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others. The Cambridge dictionary says someone or something, such as an organization or country, that has control over others, often because of authority, importance, or wealth. No matter where you try to define Power we will understand that it is what is needed to become history or to change history. Throughout time, we have seen the need for power in humanity. What motivates this need for power? It might start with a good reason, a moral principle, the need to influence others to do something or to change something, there’s the need to stand up, the need to fight against, the need to be better, the need to help, the need to give, the need to supply, the need to unite, the need to revolt, the list goes on and on. “Need for power is the motivation to influence or control others” (McClelland & Burnham, 2008). These needs mentioned usually appear after leaderships motivated by Personalized Power “it is what an individual with a high need for personalized power uses for his own needs and to express own selfishness, impulsiveness and the lack of self-control” (PSYCH 485, Lesson 7, Power and Influence, Leader Motives, 2018).
Many look at the Roman Empire as an example of real power, let’s analyze it. First legitimate Emperor was Augustus adopted son of Julius Caesar which was assassinated. Augustus too after ruling for four decades was or is believed to have been assassinated by poisoning. His successor Tiberius Also adopted as son and heir was assassinated by Caligula the next Emperor. Caligula also was assassinated, this time by the Praetorian Guard which proclaimed Claudius, uncle of Caligula the new Emperor, which in his case is believed was poisoned by his own wife in favor of her son Nero which became the next Emperor and then, later committed suicide (Wasson, D. L. 2018). This list just goes on and on and is a perfect example of a personalized power motivation, the selfishness, impulsiveness and lack of self-control is very clear.
This leadership is what influenced the attitudes , the values, beliefs and behaviors of the Roman Empire. Why the Romans were so ruthless, brutal and unforgiving? An Empire forged by blood and betrayal? Coercive Power, which is “the ability to control others through the fear of punishment” (PSYCH 485, Lesson 7, Power and Influence, Taxonomy of Social Power, 2018). The people were overcome by the fear of such punishments like being crucified or spending a lifetime serving at a Galley, a oar-driven warship powered by human strength, rapes were also very common to males or females.
The people feared this relentless army filled with experience in battle. Most Emperors were Great Generals with an influential Expert Power, “an expert in a particular area can influence other people” (PSYCH 485, Lesson 7, Power and Influence, Taxonomy of Social Power, 2018). These Generals were battle heros, with decades of strategic battle experience, great victories and tales of horrors to tell. Gaining influential political advantage to own ambitions to achieve real power.
This type of personalized power motivated others to follow a Socialized Power, where individuals “in service of higher goals to others or organizations self-sacrifice towards those ends. It often involves empowering, rather than an autocratic style of leadership” (PSYCH 485, Lesson 7, Power and Influence, Leader Motives, 2018).
Jesus the carpenter from Galilee (Mark,6:2-3, Bible) is an example that power is real, he changed the world as we knew it and even time as we know it. To his followers he had Legitimate Power, which “means that the leader has authority because of the role he or she has has been assigned in the organization“ (PSYCH 485, Lesson 7, Power and Influence, Taxonomy of Social Power, 2018). All the miracles and prodigious situations, prophetic fulfillment, knowledge and wisdom that a mere carpenter could have never been able to accomplish, he did.
He also showed Reward Power, which “involves the potential to influence others due to one’s control over desired resources” (PSYCH 485, Lesson 7, Power and Influence, Taxonomy of Social Power, 2018), Jesus promised freedom over Roman oppression and eternal life which was misunderstood by many that thought he, called the Messiah would be a General that would overthrow the Romans dictatorship and avenge his people. Jesus was talking of a spiritual freedom, one in which the Romans could never touch or hurt them anymore.
Jesus was and is seen as a role model, called a Referent Power, “the potential influence one had due to the strength of the relationship between leader and followers” (PSYCH 485, Lesson 7, Power and Influence, Taxonomy of Social Power, 2018). Through his teachings of love and compassion, his way of introducing the Father God, not as an autocratic God of war as he was known by the people but as a God that wanted a personal relationship with his followers just as Jesus did. So personal that he said it was necessary for him to die at the Romans hands, crucified to spill his blood for everyone’s sake (Luke 23:33, Isaiah 53:3-5, 1 Peter 3:18, Bible). Jesus leadership and influence impacted thousands during his lifetime, millions after his death and resurrection until today. What to say about the Roman Empire? Eventually ended as all other Empires in history. Good always wins over evil even if it doesn’t happen in our lifespan, it will happen. It is prophesied.
In conclusion whatever the reason, authority, importance or wealth, power is a reality and a need of the people, it can be a positive or a negative need that can motivate leaders to influence followers on a social or personal path. Regardless the path that is taken, it has the power to write or rewrite history, it’s up to us as the people to learn with the examples put down in history of great leaders like Jesus, the Christ or the Roman Emperors and choose a path to follow. Do you want real power? Or know that Power is real? Choose wisely, it is a life or death situation.
Wasson, D. L. (2018, November 16). Roman Emperor. Retrieved from
Pennsylvania State University. (2018). Lesson 7: Power and Influence. Psych 485.