I work for a company with over 23,000 employees and on a team of 14 that includes people representing multiple cultures and countries. That sounds like it defines the word diversity in just one sentence. The only thing that was left out from the description is that of the 14, only one of the team members is female. She is from Costa Rica, but still the only member of our team to represent women. In my regional office, there are 2 females in senior management positions for the region, but as one moves up to our corporate office in Europe, there are no females in a senior management role. A startling statistic (2016) shows that “women occupy just 22% of senior roles in G7 countries while 39% of companies have no women in senior roles” which falls right in line with what I see across the board in our own company.
Diversity is broken up into two levels. On the top there is gender, age, and skin which are things we can see in one another. On a deeper level, there are behaviors and beliefs of an individual and one’s culture that can affect how an individual’s value system is based (Penn State, 2016). A woman in the workforce must compete within a system that has preconceptions and historical norms that do not place them in leadership roles. While western women are given more opportunities to take on higher roles, the same woman in Saudi Arabia has limits to how they can even interact with men (2016). This creates a different mindset among women based on location that makes it even more difficult to be more inclusive as a company. If the same company has 2 women in a department and they are from different cultures and beliefs, it is difficult to know how to interact with both in a consistent manner. On could say this is also true given the same example with 2 men, but the playing field here is more even. There are even more differences between men and women in the workforce that make it more difficult for a woman to succeed.
One of the senior women in our regional office has been in charge of the IT department for the past 7 years. She is a kind communicator and an excellent leader. Everyone know that she will stand up for them and get the job done. It is important to describe her to put everything into perspective. She is married with no children and has 2 dogs which she cares for like a child. She works long hours, will travel on short notice and can stand in with any group of men and hold her own, not only in conversation but in knowledge. She is atypical and some of this explains how she has climbed to senior management. That being said, I have been on a site in a board room with other men while she is on the phone and they still give looks and make comments that would never be made in person. This illustrates that even though she is excellent at her job, other senior executives still think of her in a lessor way. I have had someone that reports to her mention that although she is a good communicator, she lacks the knowledge to make the right decisions. One stereotype is “Women lack quantitative skills, and therefore cannot hold technical positions or understand the numbers required in a profit-and-loss environment. Women possess “soft” skills such as communication and team building” (Moran, 2015 p.148). In my opinion, the person that made the comments is the one that does not have the right knowledge to make good decisions, but he does say the right things which senior management wants to here and he keeps his position safe, while she pulls the harder tasks when things need to get done.
Moving forward, how can we have more diversity to include women in more areas of our organization and at the same time have inclusion from the expanded group? In my team, travel is a necessity which limits many people with families from wanting to join due to the required trips. This can be addressed with keeping people in places for less time or eliminating the travel to use technology in its place. Conference calls can be virtual with video and this could open up opportunity to new groups to come and bring the same skill set to the game. Women in Senior roles through “diversity can bring many organizational benefits, including greater customer satisfaction, better market position, successful decision-making, an enhanced ability to reach strategic goals, improved organizational outcomes, and a stronger bottom line” (Riordan, 2014).
Recently we have had a change in the region that puts us under the European lead leadership structure. In this new world the same woman that was in charge or the regional IT will now take over in a senior global role. As she starts out this new path, she has to fight a similar battle with a whole new group of people and re-prove her knowledge again in order to gain acceptance to a male dominated group. She does have the ear of our CIO who is also American which may work in our favor to overcome the mindset of the conservative male run company and may make it to CIO herself one day. I have learned from working with women that were would all benefit from their wisdom and experience and look forward to having more on my team
Women in senior positions in decline. (2016, March 8). Retrieved December 05, 2017, from http://economia.icaew.com/news/march-2016/uk-falling-behind-on-diversity
Penn State University World Campus. (2016). Lesson 3: Diversity. Retrieved from https://psu.instructure.com/courses/1802572/modules/items/21179060
Nine things women can’t do in Saudi Arabia. (2016, July 28). Retrieved December 05, 2017, from http://www.theweek.co.uk/60339/nine-things-women-cant-do-in-saudi-arabia
Moran, Robert T.; Abramson, Neil Remington; Moran, Sarah V.(2015). Managing Cultural Differences. Taylor and Francis. Kindle Edition
Riordan, C. (2014, June 01). Diversity Is Useless Without Inclusivity. Retrieved September 10, 2016, from https://hbr.org/2014/06/diversity-is-useless-without-inclusivity