Whether you making a career of active duty in the Coast Guard (like myself), or just signing on to a four or six year tour in the service, there will most likely come a point at which a coastie (slang for Coast Guardsmen) will find a job within the Coast Guard (called a rate), become a non-commissioned office (NCO), and then attend Leadership and Management School (LAMS) which is a requirement for progressing further within your chosen career path, regardless of your rate within the Coast Guard. For most of us, especially myself, this training provides future leaders within the organization useful skills for navigating the challenges associated with being in charge of others in our branch of the military. Everything from how to relate to your subordinates, task/time management, and a rather impressive interaction formula for dealing with a subordinate failing to follow orders. One particularly difficult aspect of leadership that I did not completely understand, and that LAMS helps to navigate, was how involved leaders should be when interacting with their subordinates on day to day tasking. By utilizing a variation of the Blanchard’s Situational Leadership II (SLII) model, Coast Guard LAMS training was the first door into the realm to seeing Leadership as a course of study, and initiating newly promoted leaders to how they should identify, manage, and develop their subordinates within the service.
LAMS is a required course for any advancement from the junior to middle and senior NCO paygrades. The organizational idea is that as a middle/senior manager/leader, you will have people for whom you are responsible for providing day to day tasking, unit guidance, and professional development. Until LAMS, my understanding of these positions was more into the select and direct view of the world meaning, I would be told what to do by my supervisors, and then I would tell my subordinates what they were supposed to be doing, and they would do it. Besides the obvious flaws in this leadership world view, it never occurred to me that I might have people who did not know how to do what it is that I might be asking them to do, that knew what to do and my involvement would be micro managerial, or perhaps would simply refuse to do it at all.

Coast Guard’s Leadership Action Model
Dubbed the “Leadership Action Model,” (United States Coast Guard, n.d.) the Coast Guard’s version of SLII is similar Blanchard’s model in as much that the model comprises his the two major components: leadership style and [the] development level of the followers” (Northouse, 2021, p. 218). Additionally, the Coast Guard’s (n.d.) “Leadership Action Model,” like Blanchard’s does, “classif[ies]… four distinct categories of directive and supportive behaviors” (Northouse, 2021, p. 220) from which a leader can identify the style of leadership that they should employ in a specific situation. This, however, is also the point at which the two models begin to have differences.
Where Blanchard identifies directive behaviors and supportive behaviors to describe the amount of each a particular quadrant might need of each (Northouse, 2021), the “Leadership Action Model” describes a followers ability and motivation instead, and given the particular quadrant, Coast Guard leaders should adjust their approach to a situation presented by the follower (United States Coast Guard, n.d.).
S1 (Directing) in the SLII identifies a follower that needs more directive behavior from their leader, because the follower is high in commitment but low in competence (Northouse, 2021), and can be found in lower right corner of the model. The Coast Guard refers to this quadrant as “Teach” instead, and describes the sailor as having high motivation and low ability and the approach to this situation would be considered “Task Focused” (United States Coast Guard, n.d.). A sailor in this quadrant is really interested in doing work, but simply lacks the experience to be trusted to do the job unsupervised.
S2 (Coaching) appears in the upper right corner of the SLII model and describes an individual that needs lots of supportive behavior and direction from their leaders (Northouse, 2021). The “Leadership Action Model” on the other hand refers to this quadrant as “Teach and Inspire”, but instead of the upper right quadrant, this category falls in the lower left and describes an individual of both low motivation and ability (United States Coast Guard, n.d.). Sailors in this model are not only inexperienced as performing their duties, but struggle actually want to do the work or gain more experience.
Blanchard’s next SLII quadrant S3 (Supporting) is found in the upper left quadrant and used for followers that need little direction, but still require lots of supporting behavior (Northouse, 2021). Instead, the Coast Guard’s version of this quadrant is referred to as “Inspire” and describes a sailor that is high in their ability to perform work, but lacks motivation. Leaders in this situation would address it with a “People Focused” approach (United States Coast Guard, n.d.). A sailor in this situation knows how to perform their job, but may be unhappy or distracted by other things.
The last of SLII’s quadrants, S4 (Delegating) falls in the lower left of the model and describes an individual that does not require a lot of directive or supportive behavior from their leaders (Northouse, 2021). In the “Leadership Action Model” this quadrants equivalent falls in the upper right and is labeled “Trust” (United States Coast Guard, n.d.). Sailors that fall in this quadrant possess both high ability to perform work and are highly motivated to complete tasks. Coast Guard NCOs are encouraged to identify these people and afford them enough trust to manage themselves with little direct involvement.
Finally, the “Leadership Action Model” does not describe the development levels, like Blanchard’s SLII (Northouse, 2021). Instead, the Coast Guard (n.d.) provides directions on how to navigate their model. First, “Identify the specific task” that a follower is being given to perform (United States Coast Guard, n.d.). Next, “Assess member’s ability and motivation” in order to recognize the appropriate approach the model prescribes for a leader to use in the situation (United States Coast Guard, n.d.). Then, “Employ action” by teaching, inspiring, both, or trusting the sailor to perform their tasking (United States Coast Guard, n.d.). Lastly, an NCO should once again “Assess member’s ability and motivation” (United States Coast Guard, n.d.). Leaders can be constantly in looping between assessing and employing actions until the tasking is successfully completed.
While not exactly the SLII model described by Northouse (2021), the coast Guard’s “Leadership Action Model” provides an excellent, real world variant that has been helping NCOs for the better part of two decades, correctly address the needs of their followers given the situation, and the motivation and ability of their subordinates. Oddly enough, the same approach can be successfully used by leadership to develop future leadership within their organizations, and organizational mentors most likely use some for of this without even consciously realizing their actions.
Northouse, P. G. (2021). Leadership: Theory & Practice (9 ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc.
United States Coast Guard. (n.d.). Leadership Development Resources. Retrieved from https://uscg.sharepoint-mil.us/sites/leadership-development/LDR/Lists/LDR/Default.aspx?csf=1&web=1&e=HcNVMC&as=json&cid=f82592e3%2Df47f%2D41b9%2D9a0c%2Df47758d6b852&RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Fleadership%2Ddevelopment%2FLDR%2FLists%2FLDR%2FTools&FolderCTID=0x01