There are many approaches to leadership. It is important for future leaders to know about different types of leadership approaches. I would like to think since we are college students we will one day be future leaders if we work hard enough. Now just because we are college students, this does not mean we will be good leaders. Leadership traits I feel are developed over time. It takes a person will strong moral character to be a good leader. But it takes someone with those strong morals and the ability to learn and grow to be a great leader.
The style approach embodies all aspects of good leadership. The style approach, “focuses on the behavior of the leader” (Northouse, 2013). There are two behaviors that are important to the style approach. The two behaviors are task and relationship (Northouse, 2013). A task behavior is a behavior that is focuses on the goal or end product (Northouse, 2013). A relationship behavior will, “help followers feel comfortable with themselves, each other, and with the situation”(Northouse, 2013). It is important to posses both of these behaviors because having only one will result in failure as a leader.
I have seen cases where a person is completely task oriented. I personally witnessed this when I was onboard a vessel during my time in the military. The officer I was shadowing only cared about getting the job done. When it came to the men who worked so hard for him, he could care less about their feelings towards each other or even the military. It got to the point where I could tell his sailors resented the officer and would not produce for him. As an officer, it is your job to care more your sailors mentally as well. This leader lacked that behavior and through his demands for accomplishment of goals forgot about his men. There were some that due to the long hours and stress ended up losing their families. This officer is no longer in the navy.
On the other hand I have witnessed a leader that was solely relationship oriented. The leader wanted everyone to like her and wanted the department to all be her buddy. This leader never enforced deadlines and never demanded any respect. Due to this she was unable to make the department accomplish goals and lost her job in result. Both of these cases highlight the reasons why it is important to have both task and relationship behaviors in your leadership style. One without the other will result in poor leadership and people that do not follow you. But, if you can balance the two behaviors, you will be a great leader.
Northouse, P.G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.