One approach to leadership analysis is the psychodynamic perspective. Within the psychodynamic perspective, Carl Jung developed the concept of archetypes based upon common allegories throughout world history. In regards to leaders, some of the archetypal figures are: the warrior, the sage, the great mother, the hero and the magician (Penn State University, 2013, Lesson 3: The Psychodynamic Approach). The archetypes might seem far removed from the standard leadership research, but it may actually be more relevant than one might think.
Think about a time when you had a hard-driving boss, who was seemingly only concerned with getting the job done and was uninvolved with the personal affairs of his employees. Perhaps this boss did not care they you had a child to take care of and could not work late, so you worked overtime for fear of losing your job. The fear of losing your job stems from the leader’s behavior. It is also possible that this boss was only interested in his or her perspective and did not care to collaborate on solutions. This individual had an “it’s my way or the highway” type of attitude. In this scenario, you were likely complaining to your friends and family that you worked for a tyrant. Indeed, you were subconsciously associating your boss’ leadership with an archetype, most closely aligned with the “warrior.”
Now, think about a time when you had a boss who was very understanding and comforting. This boss likely socialized often and was interesting in your personal life, your family, your health, more so than what work you were actually doing on the job. You probably felt some type of familial connection to this employer, almost as if they were an aunt or uncle, or even parent or grandparent. Again, you were making an accurate connection between their leadership and the archetype of “great mother.”
What is also interesting about these two particular archetypes is that they are complete opposites in regards to leadership, where the warrior is solely focused on task achievement, and the great mother is solely focused on relational development. These two concepts, of task and relational focus, can be found in other areas of leadership analysis. In fact, they are part of Style theory, and have been demonstrated as a common occurrence in organizations (Northouse, 2012).
So, the next time you have a reaction to a boss or leader, try to identify the key characteristics of their behavior – are they heroic? are they philosophical and wise? are they idealistic and energetic? – you may surprise yourself how often you experience an archetypal form of leadership.
Northouse, P.G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
The Pennsylvania State University. (2013). Lesson 3: The Psychodynamic Approach. [Lesson Commentary]. Retrieved from