Chinese Radicals

1. The Grass Radical “艸” (草)

Radical form: 艹
Chinese name: 草字头 (“grass character head”)

2. The Water Radical “水”

Radical form: 氵
Chinese name: 三点水 (“three-points of water”)

3. The Wood Radical “木”

Radical form: 木
Chinese name: 木字(旁,头,底) (“wood to the character’s side/top/bottom”)

4. The Hand Radical “手”

Radical form: 扌
Chinese name: 提手旁 (“hand-carrying side”)

5. The Mouth Radical “口”

Radical form: 囗
Pinyin: 囗

6. The Heart Radical “心”

Radical form: 忄
Chinese name: 竖心旁 (“vertical heart side”)

7. The Insect Radical “虫”

Radical form: 虫

8. The Bamboo Radical “竹”

Radical form: 竹
Chinese name: 竹字头 (“bamboo character head”)

9. The Speech Radical “言”

Radical form: 讠
Chinese name: 言字旁 (“speech character side”)

10. The Silk Radical “糸”

Radical form: 纟
Chinese name: 绞丝 (旁, 底) (silk side/bottom)

Radical Meaning Pīnyīn Example
1 person rén  you (nǐ)
2 road, walking chì  street (jiē),   toward (wǎng)
3 water shuǐ  river (hé),   wash (xǐ)
4 ice bīng  ice (bīng),   freeze (dòng)
5 fire / burning huǒ  lamp (dēng),   burn (shāo)
6 fire / fire from below huǒ  steam (zhēng),   hot (rè)
7 day, sun, time  time (shí),   sunny (qíng)
8 moon, month yuè  tomorrow (míng),   clothes (fú)
9 门 (門) door mén  room (jiān),   shut (bì)
10 female, woman  good (hǎo),   mother (mā)
11 child  child (hái),   grandchild (sūn)
12 hand shǒu  push (tuī),   pull (lā)
13 讠(訁) word, language, speech yán  say (shuō),   language (yǔ)
14 grass cǎo  flower (huā),   vegetable (cài)
15 earth, soil  ground (dì),   field (chǎng)
16 钅(釒) metal jīn  silver (yín),   iron (tiě)
17 饣(飠) food, eat shí  rice/meal (fàn),   drink (yǐn)
18 tree, wood  forest (lín),   tree (shù)
19 bamboo zhú  pen (bǐ),   simple (jiǎn)
20 foot  kick (tī),   run (pǎo)
21 walk, action, period of time chuò / zouzhi  enter (jìn),   far (yuǎn)
22 纟(糹) silk, thread, string 线 thread (xiàn),   silk (sī)
23 roof mián  home/family (jiā),   room (shì)
24 mouth, opening kǒu  sing (chàng),   and (hé)
25 boundary, enclosure wéi  country (guó),   garden (yuán)
26 clothes 裙 skirt (qún),   shirt (shān)
27 sickness 病 disease (bìng),   pain (tòng)
28 terrain, hill, city, town  department/section (bù),   both (bōu)
29 factory, yard hàn  hall (tīng),   factory (chǎng)
30 广 wide, shelter yǎn  shop (diàn),   mansion (fǔ)
31 heart xīn  want (xiǎng),   forget (wàng)
32 feeling, mental activities xīn  emotion (qíng),   busy (máng)
33 strength, power, force  help (zhù),   add (jiā)
34 车 (車) car, vehicle, cart chē  car (chē),   rail/track (guǐ)
35 鱼 (魚) fish  fresh (xiān),   abalone (bào

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