1. The Grass Radical “艸” (草) Radical form: 艹 Chinese name: 草字头 (“grass character head”) 2. The Water Radical “水” Radical form: 氵 Chinese name: 三点水 (“three-points of water”) 3. The Wood Radical “木” Radical form: 木 Chinese name: 木字(旁,头,底) (“wood to the character’s side/top/bottom”) 4. The Hand Radical “手” Radical form: 扌 Chinese name: 提手旁 (“hand-carrying side”) […]
Author: Eunice Lim
Food and Drink in Chinese
For a list of drinks in Chinese: Blue words are in the vocabulary list below. Red words can be found in the link above. 老师喜欢喝果汁。老师几乎每一天都喝果汁。老师喜欢喝香蕉和蓝莓奶昔。老师也喜欢番茄汁和椰子水。老师也很喜欢喝咖啡和茶。老师喜欢浓缩咖啡,焦糖玛奇朵,和乌龙茶。韩国的蜂蜜柚子茶也不错。老师的妈妈要老师喝菊花茶和甘菊茶,可是老师不喜欢。老师也喜欢奶茶,可是不喜欢奶茶里的珍珠。老师不喜欢喝汽水,可是有时候喜欢喝可口可乐。老师的丈夫喜欢喝胡椒博士,可是老师不喜欢。 老师因为喜欢牛,所以不常喝奶。老师喜欢喝燕麦奶。老师无论喝什么饮料都喜欢喝冷的。老师最不喜欢在饮料上加鲜奶油。你喜欢不喜欢喝什么?请和老师分享! Vocabulary List 几乎, jī hū, almost 每一天, měi yī tiān, every day 香蕉, xiāng jiāo, banana 蓝莓, lán méi, blueberry 奶昔, nai3 xi1, milkshake 汽水, qi4 shui3, carbonated drinks, soft […]
Flavor by Khalil Fong
味道 (wei4 dao4) – Flavor “味道” 是 歌手 (ge1 shou3, singer), 方大同 (fang1 da4 tong2, Khalil Fong), 的歌。 The song lyrics below are in Simplified Chinese characters. For the Traditional Chinese version, scroll down to the end of this post. The chorus are highlighted in pink. Korean portions of the song are highlighted in blue. […]
This song is from a popular, educational children’s television series. The tortoise character is a professor that teaches useful facts to the children viewers. The following are the lyrics: Pinyin: Simplified: 为什么,为什么,为什么 为什么天空会有云?为什么飞机会飞行? 为什么月亮有时圆有时又不圆? 乌拉博士,来说明,十万个为什么告诉你,十万个为什么! 为什么,为什么,为什么 为什么孔雀会开屏?为什么螃蟹要横行? 为什么海水有时低有时又变高? 为什么,为什么,为什么 欢迎小小朋友做贵宾,可爱朋友陪伴你 Traditional: 為什麽,為什麽,為什麽 為什麽天空會有雲?為什麽飛機會飛行? 為什麽月亮有時圓有時又不圓? 烏拉博士,來說明,十萬個為什麽告訴你,十萬個為什麽! 為什麽,為什麽,為什麽 為什麽孔雀會開屏?為什麽螃蟹要橫行? 為什麽海水有時低有時又變高? 為什麽,為什麽,為什麽 歡迎小小朋友做貴賓,可愛朋友陪伴你 English translation: Why, why, why […]
Mooncake Festival
More on the Mooncake Festival/ Mid-Autumn Festival: This is a Malaysian-Chinese YouTuber, so throughout the video they switch from Mandarin Chinese to Malay, English, Hokkien and Cantonese frequently. That being said, there are a number of familiar words and phrases that you have already learnt in this video. Watch the video and see how many […]