Photo of Jen Gianico.

I have been learning from Jen my whole life. She will tell you that she taught me everything I know. She will tell you she taught me how to write my name in cursive when I was in Kindergarten. We loved school. When we came home from school, we played…school. We had a small blackboard that we could sit on the floor, leaned up against the wall. We used colored chalk to draw on it, but mostly it was our classroom space at home.  We both loved learning, and we were both really good at it. In college, we were both inclined to learn more about how and why we learn the way we do.  So it wasn’t a surprise that both of us turned to cognitive science/psychology in our post-secondary journeys and ended up in education-related careers.

I present to you all, with her thoughts on learning in the time of corona, my sister:

Can you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Jen Gianico.  I’m originally from upstate New York, but currently reside in southeastern North Carolina.  I have worked in higher education my entire life, either as a student or as an instructor.

How are you doing right now?

I’m doing fine.  I am lucky that I am in a 100% online program with amazing professors.  The university [I work with] has kept us up to date via emails.  I am glad to be part of a community that reaches out, even when a student is far away (like myself). My life has pretty much stayed the same since the precautions set out by the government.

What is your learning context? 

I am a graduate (M.Ed.) student at UNC Charlotte; I spend my time in my home office doing my schoolwork.  My degree will be in instructional systems technology.  I am pursuing the instructional design field in higher education.  I find that this program has brought me full circle in my perspective of academics (student – faculty – staff).  It’s like I found the Matrix!

What have you been seeing in this current moment?

I’m seeing kindness and concern at all levels of society/community.  Universities, businesses, etc. are being very responsive to the changes and needs during this time. Adobe and other companies are giving students free access to online technologies they need for their courses.  I am so happy that online learning is able to let students continue their studies.  It would be a nightmare to make up work in person considering the uncertainties.

What concerns do you have right now?

I am concerned for the health of people with compromised immune systems and elderly people.  I am concerned for the economic well-being of people who have been affected financially by this situation.  I’m concerned for families who are now dealing with full-time K-12  students at home.  I wonder if they feel overwhelmed?  I wonder if they are finding support?  How can schools help teachers, parents and students communicate effectively during this time?

What are you learning right now?

I am learning that online instruction is a vital resource.  Our world is changing rapidly and this is one way we can prepare ourselves. And, I am learning that things will work out when we work together.


You can read more about Jen and her work at her e-portfolio:

Jen: I’m learning that things will work out when we work together.

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