Blog Post – Week of 9/25/23

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to my blog. So glad you all could make it. If it is your first time here, no worries, you can read all about my blog in my first blog post here. A little life update from me: I have been sick since my last blog post and even ended up contracting pink eye or conjunctivitis. That disease is a nasty little sucker, and was my first time being pretty ill away from my family. I ended up visiting the University Health Services (UHS) which was a surprisingly pleasant experience; they gave me eye drops! If you are in college and end up getting sick, definitely go to your college’s health center, they know what they are doing and can fix you up. Unfortunately, this sickness also caused me to miss a few classes which made me very disappointed. I’m excited for the future though, my sickness looks like it is subsiding and my mom is coming down for parents weekend.

Ending on a good note, lets get into our exercise of the week: Tricep Pushdown!

V Bar Tricep Pushdown: Benefits, Muscles Worked, and More - Inspire US

The tricep pushdown is a precision-focused resistance exercise that targets the triceps brachii muscles and is performed on a cable machine with a straight or V-bar attachment. This exercise isolates the three tricep heads—lateral, medial, and long—by maintaining a stable stance and controlled movements, resulting in total muscle engagement. The versatility of the pushdown accommodates a wide range of fitness levels, allowing for gradual weight adjustments. Incorporating this exercise into your routine will provide you with benefits ranging from increased strength to the sculpting of well-defined, aesthetically pleasing upper arms. The tricep pushdown is a fundamental and accessible component of any holistic fitness regimen due to its simple execution and undeniable effectiveness.

To start, set up a cable machine with a straight or V-bar attachment at the high pulley for the tricep pushdown exercise. Maintain a straight posture while facing the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. Use an overhand grip on the bar, keeping your elbows close to your sides and forming a 90-degree angle. Begin by extending your elbows and pushing the bar downward while keeping your upper arms stationary. To emphasize the contraction in your triceps, fully extend your arms. Pause for a brief moment at the bottom of the movement before gradually returning to the starting position with controlled movements. Maintain stability and avoid unnecessary body movements throughout the exercise. For a video click here.

Thanks everyone for reading and see you next week!

Stay Strong


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