Blog Post – Week of 10/30/23

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to my blog. So glad you all could make it. If it is your first time here, no worries, you can read all about my blog in my first blog post here. A little life update from me: I have gotten back into the gym with a vengeance and I have been working harder than ever. I had a quiz in my math class today and I think I did well. Also, Halloweekend was last weekend and I went home to see my parents in Pittsburgh, and went out to the University of Pittsburgh. I was a doctor. I have been learning that it is hard to make time, but easy to waste it. Not much more to talk about, so let’s get into the meat and potatoes.

This week’s exercise of the week: Lateral Raises

Dumbbell Lateral Raise Standards for Men and Women (kg) - Strength Level

The lateral raise is an important exercise for strengthening and shaping the shoulder muscles, especially the lateral deltoids. You can effectively target these muscles by standing with a dumbbell in each hand and raising them directly to the sides until they reach shoulder level. Controlled movements are essential for maximizing the benefits of this exercise. Lateral raises help to broaden the shoulders, giving the upper body a more balanced appearance, improving shoulder joint stability, and contributing to overall shoulder strength. A safe and efficient workout requires proper form and weight selection. Resistance bands or cables, for example, can add variety to your training regimen while still focusing on the lateral deltoids from various angles. Click here for a video.


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