As this passion post comes to a close I wanted to do a final post encouraging everyone to reflect wholistically on what I have been able to share within it. If anyone has been reading along you’ll hopefully have gained a better understanding of cultural aspects and how they vary around the world and then also specifically more about the beautiful country of Argentina. And if nothing more I hope you all at least had your minds opened to the possibility of studying abroad yourself or even travelling more to gain a better global perspective.
In the modern world we live in, the globe is more connected than ever before and more easy to navigate then it has ever been. Although still not inexpensive, travelling is more of a possibility now that planes have become such common use and nations are ‘generally’ more open to one another. Still one of the most simple and accesible ways to travel, specifically for university aged students like most of ourselves, is via a study abroad progam. So I thought I would introduce a few of the common ones that offer millions of dollars in scholarships every year to send American students around the world.
The first well known and reputable program is the Institute for the International Education of Students, or IES, which partners with universities around the world including Penn State to send college students anywhere from Morocco to Japan to the Netherlands. If your interested in studying abroad, IES will be at your abroad fair and will be happy to get you connected.
Another famous and reputable program is that of the Fulbright Scholarship. This established source of sending U.S. students abroad is directly tied to the United States Department of State. Recieving a fulbright grant is no easy application but most definitely worth looking into more if you are serious about studying abroad. The U.S. Department of State sends students all over the world from El Salvador to Uzbekistan and nearly everywhere in between.
If neither of those programs perk your interest there are always the numerous Penn State programs and invidual foreign institutes exchanges. Penn State has partnerships with hundreds of colleges around the world and professors and researches who are always looking for some dedicated students who are excited to travel and learn. Check out Penn State’s Global Programs search if you get the chance!
Thanks for following along everyone! Now go somewhere!
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