Global Perspectives

One of the most life changing parts of being abroad is the ability to see the world from another point of view. This easily understandable truth that is easy to overlook when hearing about abroad experiences, but the gift of seeing other nations and issues from another country is an eye-opening privilege.

U.N. Flags Image via Life Exposed

What’s more, especially as a citizen of the United States, I was able to view the profound impact that the U.S. has on other cultures. Our politics and economics, but even more so our pop-culture flows out to the rest of the world and causes a beautifully sad ripple.

Beautiful in the sense that it is so clear how two countries histories and cultures can merge together as people are connected via technology and other people. But also sad in the fact that so much of U.S. culture overpowers that of small countries and the rich history and vibrant culture of a smaller nation is often overshadowed and underappreciated in the view of U.S. “glamour.”

When I arrived in Argentina, I was shocked by how much Argentinians thought they knew about the U.S., as well as what they were expecting from me. Most people my age, imagined that I would be some glamorous model straight out of the movie “mean girls,” a drama queen who cared more about her shade of lip gloss than the person sitting next to her, sad really. While my teachers were expecting someone ready to slack off in school and party whenever possible. My host mom was very nervous to say the least and just hoped I would be some sort of good role model for her 15-year-old daughter. So, when I arrived, I had some expectations to break before building relationships. I had to show people that I couldn’t care less about how my hair looked but I was eager to get to know everyone, despite the language barrier. I had to earn the respect and trust of my teachers as I showed them I would put in the extra time to understand and complete my homework, I was ready to be put to work. And I had to prove to my host mom that I could earn her trust and love her children as my own siblings. Other nationalities view the U.S. in a way I had never thought too much of, but suddenly I was faced with stereotypes I never expected.

Image via Conservapedia

Due to the U.S. undeniably being a global superpower, its presence is seen in every country around the world, both positively and negatively. Whether there are facts or opinions, there is always a narrative. When in another country it is refreshing to be exposed to so many new ideas and perceptions, a new narrative.

Sometimes all it takes to grow as an individual is learn from different individuals. To go to another place where they believe different things and are from different backgrounds, and whether you want to or not you find you own perspective changing.

Image via Free Image Live

I encourage everyone to go abroad, and if it isn’t possible for you, go somewhere or in a community that makes you uncomfortable, somewhere that challenges you, and go into it with the mindset that you always have something to learn.

3 thoughts on “Global Perspectives

  1. This is a great post Tori. I never thought that you would’ve had to face those stereotypes either, especially from the teachers. However, knowing you, I can only imagine how successfully you broke them and became everyone’s friend 🙂

  2. This was a really interesting blog post. I am looking into study abroad opportunities myself—I am either looking at Ireland or a Spanish-speaking country. That said, I have already been to Ireland and am very comfortable there. You last sentence definitely gives me something to think about. A Spanish-speaking country would be very difficult, but maybe that is where I would pull the most value and grow the most. I really appreciate your perspective!

  3. First of all, I really enjoy hearing about your adventures abroad. It is so intriguing to me to hear about your experiences, as traveling abroad has been a dream of mine for awhile now. It is so crazy to hear all of the expectations that people had about you before they met you just because you’re American. I can’t believe the differing viewpoints! I like that you made it a point to prove them wrong, and changed their minds about how they view Americans. Great post!

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