Monthly Archives for September 2018

Planet b?

  “There is no planet b” A stark message in 6 syllables. When we see such a message on the bumper of a car it forces us to consider, if even for a split second, environmental issues and how we … Continue reading

21. September 2018 by vyl5031
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

Comparing Kinder and Little Red Riding Hood to Assault Rifles

In the wake of too many school shootings and incidents of gun violence there are people within out society who are using this disappointingly Kairotic era to promote their fight against guns.   These advertisements by the political activist group, … Continue reading

13. September 2018 by vyl5031
Categories: Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Dove Disappoints

Racism and skin care shouldn’t be colliding subjects. In a perfect world racism wouldn’t be a subject at all, but when a three second skin care commercial becomes a huge social debate about modern day racism, you know there is … Continue reading

05. September 2018 by vyl5031
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

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