Planet b?

“There is no planet b” bumper sticker from The Blue Deal


“There is no planet b”

A stark message in 6 syllables. When we see such a message on the bumper of a car it forces us to consider, if even for a split second, environmental issues and how we are taking care of the planet that we occupy. This huge concept and message is boiled down to this strong phrase.

And this expansive argument is not without reason and background support. There are thousands of organizations and groups that rally behind statistics and logic to prove to the masses that the need to reduce our carbon footprint is essential, why? Because there is no planet b. The simple arguments that we need to protect and take care of the place were we live is not hard to understand but it is a message that is so often overlooked.

The world is the masses commonplace, literally. Every global citizen is living on the same floating sphere and whether they want to accept and address it or not they need to contribute to taking care of it. There is this common ignorance though as well, so many people refuse to address the issues and would rather just shove it under a rug than face the facts behind it. And this movement of denial is furthered when the president and leader of the free world refuses to face the facts as well. Yet the facts are present.

Over 3 trillion plastic bags have been made just this year, each one will take a thousand years to decompose, just think about that for a second. And every year 2.2 billion tons of waste are dumped into the ocean, 2.2 billion tons!

Swimming in Plastic Bags and Bottles courtesy of Big Fat Bags

This bumper sticker is powerful and could really inspire others to act in such a way that protects our planet. If every person who drove behind it decided that they would recycle their coffee cup or plastic bottle or better yet begin to use reusable containers, that difference alone would make a large dent in our total waste, and think about how it could spread. This movement has been growing for some time but if it doesn’t continue to grow we will have to start looking for a planet b, so why wouldn’t we just start to clean up our home. This environmental friendly movement is driven by the world population’s common ideology that we must pull together to protect our planet. Even those who refuse to accept the facts about climate change and pollution can agree that the earth should be valued.

There is only one planet a, and there is no planet b, yet experts say that with our current lifestyle we need 1 and ½ earths to sustain us, and by 2030 we will need two earths, another earth we don’t have.

The facts are there, the question is how will we respond?

Friendly Reminder

For More information and Statistics:

The World Counts

The Balance

Conserve Energy

Buy Your Own!

21. September 2018 by vyl5031
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

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