Monthly Archives for October 2018
Suitable Sources?
“These studies show whatever someone wants them to. So stay skeptical and remember: Correlation doesn’t equal causation. If only I could find a study that shows this.” The quote shown above is from Andy Kessler’s article in the Wall … Continue reading
A Shift in Global Mindset
Over the last century there has been a shift in mindset on a widespread scale towards global awareness. The globalization that hit politically and economically as technology and nations have collided and companies became international, has trickled down to individuals. … Continue reading
The I-gen
A paradigm shift is an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new way. These shifts, movements towards new trends happen constantly throughout our culture and different aspects of … Continue reading
Families Belong Together (!!!)
Families Belong Together. Powerful, simple, true. These three words have become a cry of protesters who have devoted their voices, their time and their efforts to protecting human rights within and along U.S. borders in the face of immigration crises … Continue reading