Families Belong Together (!!!)
Families Belong Together. Powerful, simple, true.
Image via the Families Belong Together Organizers
These three words have become a cry of protesters who have devoted their voices, their time and their efforts to protecting human rights within and along U.S. borders in the face of immigration crises that have become too much of a commonplace over the last several years. The movement began in response to Trump’s Zero-Tolerance policy on immigration, when over two thousand children were separated from their parents. Over 250 organizations and thousands more concerned citizens joined together to create the movement and organize protests around the country. It is led by organizations such as the National Domestic Workers Alliance, Women’s Refugee Commission, United We Dream, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, among others and they continue to work to end family separations and reverse the effects of Trump’s short-lived zero-tolerance policy.
The Families Belong Together Movement argues that it is morally wrong to separate children from their parents simply because the parents were seeking a better life. This claim draws on the strong ideologies of family values and the importance of these nuclear relationships no matter what country you come from. The movement also looks towards human morality as an honest claim because the idea of taking children from their parents is one that pulls on the hearts of many without any more context.
I am personally drawn to this artifact not because of any personal connection to those who have been directly impacted by the immigration crises, nor have I marched or protested with this movement, but because I am one of those many whose hearts are tugged by the thought of a child being ripped from their mother’s or father’s arms. In my mind families do belong together and the fact that that needs to be argued for our political scene to reflect that stance is horribly sad.
And as horribly sad as it is, the necessity of the movement still exists, and it is more than appropriate for in depth analysis due to its kairotic existence, its appeal to pathos and common ideologies, as well as its reliance on logos and ethos to substantiate the movement. The movement emerged when it was needed most in a political environment that was not considering the best for people, it is an example of kairos. The movement is incredible in its appeal to pathos as it fights for children who have been taken from their parents, it causes everyone to feel upset just hearing that fact, and in doing so it depends strongly on the ideology that is thread throughout the world of family values and the importance of familial relationships. And finally, the movement relies on the logistical appeal of the facts, over 2,000 children! As well as the ethos behind the protesters and those fighting to stop the family separations, many of the parents and relatives of the children have joined in the fight and what’s more, those who have been protesting are citizens who want to have their views respected by their government. The movement is more than possible to analyze in depth.
This movement is so expansive, but I am most interested in analyzing some of the key points mentioned above. Especially the pathetic appeal and the ideology of familial values. And then apart from that, also the kairotic appeal of the movement. It is astounding how resilient people are and how we respond when we are put in situations that require action, so often we step forward, and we as in not just one or two, but thousands! Thousands united by common ideas, feelings, and understandings are called into action when they see perfect circumstantial times that requires it.