The objective of this project is to create a mathematical model that matches organ donors to organ recipients in the most efficient way possible.

Sponsored By: PSU Service Enterprise Engineering (SEE360) 4
Team Members
Harshit Agarwal | Pufan Shen | Kelly Koehler | Matthew Rodgers | Vivek Anand | | | | | | |
Project Poster
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Project Summary
The organ donation process is complicated, yet crucial to society. The main task presented to us by the sponsor was to create a python model regarding the process of organ allocation. The team created a Python linear programming (LP) model to match organ donors to recipients. Additionally, an app was created with the use of this code for hospital employees to utilize for information about the organ for their patient. Previously, this information about the organ transplant was transferred through an Organ Procurement Organization (OPO).
The main objective of this project was to create a mathematical model that matches organ donors to organ recipients in the most efficient way possible.
– Background research on current state of the art distribution process and identifying inefficiencies
– Generated optimization model using a mixed integer linear programming
– Factors in the model include distance, organ type, organ size, donor and recipient registered hospital locations, blood type, etc.
– Integrated model with MapBox API to incorporate distance into the model
– Hosted model and API in AWS EC2 instance
– Designed app UI and created an app prototype using placeholder data
– Developed iOS application interfacing with hosted model to provide users the organ allocation
– Researched continuously on the supply chain aspects of the organ allocation process
– Identified state of the art sensors used in the distribution
– Created mock data for hospital information such as patients’ name, registration information, blood type, height, weight, etc.
– Tested Python model and iOS app to ensure ease of use and accuracy
– Optimizing model that solves a maximal bipartite matching in the form of a linear program
– Used Python model to create an iOS app for hospital employee users. The figure on the right shows a preview of the app.
– The app enhances user experience.
– Time is saved because direct contact is made from donation hospital to recipient hospital (not through OPO anymore)