“Vending machine” that lets users created customized bags made out of recycled PET material.

Team Members

Melissa Campbell | Jack Gerity | Victoria Penney | Angel Polczynski

Instructor: Dr. Elizabeth Starkey

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Project Overview

The development, production, and use of single-use plastic bags in grocery stores are causing irreversible damage to the planet. This team has recognized the destruction caused by plastic bags blocking storm drains, littering streets, getting stuck in trees, and contaminating oceans. After an extensive interview process, it was understood that there are numerous reasons that costumers prefer to use plastic bags. Shoppers find them to be convenient and accessible. Multiple sources stated that there is no direct impact on one’s day to day life, so there is no motivation for one to choose using a reusable bag. Other interviewees felt that companies needed to make a change and that the customer could not make an impact.

To solve the issue of inconvenience, the team decided that a way to make bags easier to transport to and from the store- as well as throughout the store- was to find a way to make a reusable bag compatible. As an added incentive to use a reusable bag, the team found that customers would find it more enjoyable to use reusable bags if they could personalize a reusable bag.

Overall, after researching the team discovered that the solution to the issue of customers finding reusable bags inconvenient is creating a machine that makes compatible and personalized bags.