🏆 Best Project 1st Place

Prototype of a centrifugal pump impeller with the ability to change the blades’ angle.



Team Members

Jackson Quedenfeld    Jordan Smith    Vincenzo Zook    Carter Houseknecht                        


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Project Summary


Pumps of this nature are widely used in industry and present many diverse opportunities for improvement as the traditional impeller has not been dramatically improved since its inception in 1772. The sponsor wants to accomplish the goal of remote operation of a variable blade angle impeller to change the flow properties of fluids. This change in flow properties will allow their customers base to save time and money.


The purpose of the team’s project is to understand pump and impeller fundamentals. The team must research existing products similar to a variable blade angle impeller before prototyping. Fluid Champs then must draft ideas for building the variable blade angle mechanism. After selecting a design, the team needs to create a 3D model, produce a physical prototype, perform prototype testing, and participate in a design review with the Flowserve team.


-Meet with sponsor and professor weekly for input/suggestions

-Brainstorm ideas as a team on a whiteboard

-Document whiteboard ideas in Microsoft Teams to build on

-Crude prototyping with household materials

-Comparing concepts for best ideas to implement

-SolidWorks modeling and adjusting of prototype virtually

-Printing/manufacturing functioning, physical model

-Fine-tuning and testing of final prototype


-Manufactured a successful design that allows for the remote operation of a variable blade angle impeller

-Linear movement of an internal shaft is operated through a linear actuator

-Manufactured components of impeller to ½ scale

-Design was tested in a test loop of over 1.5 hours of operation

-Design & manufactured a remote-control box with quick disconnects for ease of transportation

-The final prototype was manufactured for a cost of less than $500