The objective of this project is to reduce carbon emissions while maintaining the efficiency of operations.


Team Members

Andrew Miller    John Brownstead    Robert Dewey    Mohammed Alyabis      

Instructor: Aoran Peng, David Caballero Russi

Project Poster

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Project Summary

Our group has designed an electrified conveyor belt system that transports mined material from the bottom of the mining pit to the surface. This system will electrify the most energy-intensive part of the mining process, changes in elevation, which will massively reduce carbon emissions. This system will also allow for an easy transition as it will incorporate Wabtec Corporation’s current fleet of mining trucks. They will load the material into the base of the conveyor belt and unload it at the top.
From our group’s research, we calculated or designed the following features: The motors will be powered by renewable energy from a wired source. They will be installed every 20 feet to meet power needs and to avoid a total system shutdown if a single motor fails. The belt will be 10 feet wide and move at a speed of 7.5 mph. The belt will be split up into 52 segments that are 215 feet long and have a carrying capacity of 10,567 lbs/ft³. With these design specifications, Wabtec Corporation’s desired annual output will be met. Furthermore, maintenance will be easily completed when damage can be contained to individual segments. The supports will be made of steel because this material will only need to be replaced approximately every one hundred years, which gives it a long lifespan. The supports will need to be installed every 80 feet and will be a variable height, dependent on the shape of the mining pit and the smooth slope of the conveyor belt.
The electrified conveyor belt system decreases carbon emissions as it is a stationary system that can easily be powered by renewable energy. The system improves productivity as it has a lower cycle time than a fleet of trucks and doesn’t require breaks in order to refuel or change operators. The system is cost-effective as it requires very few operators, has minimal maintenance costs, and has low energy costs.