The objective of this project is to reduce the CO2 emissions and fuel costs of mining trucks with an innovative hybrid regenerative braking system.


Team Members

Isabelle Fetzer    Grace Holmes    River Ocden    Aditya Kasture      

Instructor: Dr. Tianliang Yu

Project Poster

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Project Summary

To find a solution to the sustainability problem that exists within the mining industry, our team researched the least energy efficient systems within mining trucks. We found that a significant amount of energy is lost as heat while the truck is braking, and we knew that there was a solution to this loss that already exists within many modern vehicles: regenerative braking. This type of system essentially functions by recapturing the energy that would be lost during braking and converting it into a form that can power the vehicle. After researching the different types and benefits of braking systems, we found that combining the popular electric regenerative braking system with the lesser-known hydraulic system would be the best way to minimize energy loss and therefore decrease the use of fuel. Using less fuel corresponds directly to a decrease in CO2 emissions, which contributes to an improvement in the sustainability of mining trucks.