The objective of this project is to design a system for mining trucks to reduce carbon emission, eventually reaching a net zero carbon by 2030.


Team Members

Kyra Martindale    Jerod Minich    Carl Shelhamer    Atahan Ozmen      

Instructor: Dr. Jesse McTernan, TA Aditya Gambhir

Project Poster

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Project Summary

Our Team designed a system to reduce CO2 emissions implementing WABTEC’s seed idea of the Catenary System with the Electric Battery. We designed the catenary system with telescopic support poles, a rotational and extendable pantograph, flexible circuit for easy transition of power, and the lithium-ion electric battery. The telescopic support poles can extend locking in place by bolts, adjusting to height variations in the open pit-mine. The support poles can maneuver in different locations while adjusting to the terrain. Next, we have the pantograph which consists of a rotational base able to extend and compress keeping constant pressure between the mining truck and the overhanging wires. The circuit allows for easy transition and connection between the battery and wire power using diodes to maintain current only flowing from one source at a time. Finally, the lithium-ion battery would be able to power the mining truck when off the catenary system. The battery would be charged on the move when connected to the overhang wires allowing use of horsepower capacity.