The objective of this project is to eliminate Wabtec’s diesel use by 2030 through the use of catenary systems.


Team Members

Elizabeth Mahoney    Nick Miller    Muhammad Fikri Mazli Hishman    Swetha Suresh –      

Instructor: Professor Huff

Project Poster

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Project Summary

Our final prototype implements an overhead catenary system with battery power and a track drive system. The catenary system provides additional energy to the truck though an overhead connection. This provides additional power during high energy usage sections of the truck’s haul. Battery power eliminates emissions directly from the truck and provides a sustainable power source for the fleet. Tracks float on the ground to reduce rolling resistance. This allows the trucks to traverse rough terrain against less force, making it more energy efficient. Approximately 43.46km of overhead catenary wiring will be installed along the loaded segments of the trucks route to provide power during the most energy consuming parts of the trip. The remainder of the trip is unloaded and mostly downhill, so the remainder of the trip will be supplied through onboard batteries. Overall, a track drive system reduces the rolling resistance against a truck throughout the entire trip. This allows the trucks to traverse rough terrain against less force, making it more energy efficient.